Arena Time?

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"Luna, you're back, with Harmony too. Anyway, everyone is in shock and you need to start rebuilding!" Destiny greeted Luna the minute we got to the office building, where Luna's office was located.

"Nice to see you too Destiny," I replied sarcastically, sliding off of Night and leaning against her. 

"Destiny, calm down, I'll start rebuilding the minute I get up from a quick rest. I mean we were riding through the night and day to get here, not to mention without food!" Luna snapped, although she was clearly concerned for the people of Thymentine. Luna and I headed to the stables, putting our horses away, and I headed up to my office, to finish some paperwork. The government building wasn't badly damaged, if damaged at all. It was more near the north-west side that was damaged. Luna headed to her office, probably ready to do some more paperwork. I sighed as I sat in my seat, reflecting back on what had happened. I wish I'd never turned my phone off and I'd just listened to Luna. I probably would have been here to help the people of Thymentine and Luna wouldn't have had to get me, I thought as I started to map out another new land. It was shaped weirdly, with a few capes and gulfs. I was deep in thought when I heard a knock on my door. Destiny slid in, sitting down in a chair opposite of me. 

"How are you? I mean you look tired," Destiny commented after looking over the map I was making.

"I'm tired all right, but I have to finish this while it's still fresh in my mind. Honestly, I could be better, but life goes on and I'm ready to help rebuild the cities that got bombed," I replied, sighing.

"Will you be well enough to go to the arena tomorrow, for practice?" Destiny asked, pulling out a note. "Oh and this is from Hunter? Hmm never heard of him, but that's from him."

"Thanks Destiny. I think I'll be fine tomorrow, but I might be kinda slow. We'll see." I replied, taking the note that Destiny was holding out to me.

"I better be going, I think Luna might fall asleep at her desk," Destiny muttered before turning and leaving. 

I opened the note and saw that is read, "Hey Har, hope you're ok. I didn't get to see you in Songbird City, but I'll be visiting Thymentine in about 3 weeks, Hunter." I sighed. Hunter was my boyfriend, who I met through Temple. He's my age and has green eyes and brown hair.


  The next morning I woke with new energy, although I always stored some energy for emergencies. I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was 30 minutes till arena time. I quickly got up, changed into a blue shirt with a green jacket over, and my combat boots. I also put on my watch and bracelets, which held special magic in them. I slid my fingers under the bracelets and pulled up gently. My bow and quiver appeared in front of me and I grabbed them and began running out towards the arena. I lived about 1.5 blocks away from the arena, and when I arrived I didn't find anyone else there. I headed to the archery course and began firing at dummies. I usually used flame arrows, but today I had a goal of only using regular arrows. When the others finally came, I put my bow and quiver away, by pushing down on the bracelets, and ran to grab my dagger. Of course since Luna and I were archers, we needed some kind of close-combat weapon, and I chose a dagger. We were just practicing on each other, which didn't hurt since in the arena there was a special magical force making sure that if someone was hurt they could eat a pill and it would revive them instantly. 

"You ready to loose this time Liberty?" Luna asked, laughing. 

"Never. I WON'T LET YOU WIN!!!" Liberty shouted back. we were all in our respected areas to get ready. The announcer yelled 'start' and we all went running toward the center. I held my dagger close to my chest and waited for someone to go after me. In front of my though Luna and Liberty were clashing, going at each other like their lives depended on it, which without the magic it would, but that's besides the point! I turned my head quickly, just in time to see Destiny taking a swing at my leg. I quickly dodged it, and cut her arm.  

"You've gotten quicker, Destiny commented as she took another swing at me. I tried dodging, but she slit my leg. Of course neither of us were in pain due to the magical enchantments. Destiny and I kept clashing, and soon we decided to attack Luna and Liberty. Destiny went after Liberty and I ran at Luna, cutting a gash in her leg. She turned from Liberty and in the corner of my eye I saw Destiny sparing with Liberty. Luna and I began fighting, parrying blows and cutting each other, and by the time the arena session had finished, we were all cut. We walked to the announcer and she inspected our wounds. 

"Destiny wins! She is less damaged than the others," the announcer told us and Destiny smiled, putting her sword away while Luna and Liberty stood in shock. I took the heath pill, which healed me immediately, and went to congratulate Destiny.

"Nice job Dest," I commented, walking over to where Destiny was fixing up the swords and dagger collection. She nodded, although she was clearly trying to keep her excitement in. I laughed and walked off to Luna and Liberty to talk with them.

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