Fun with Temple and his kids

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"Harmony! You're finally here, you were supposed to be here, like 5 days ago," a familiar voice cut through my consciousness. I snapped my head up, seeing the familiar brown hair and blue eyes of Temple, my younger brother. I was relieved to see it was him, and not Dianna Black.

"Hey Temple!" I exclaimed, getting off of Night and taking her reigns instead. "Sorry, I was captured for about 2 days by Dianna Black, the leader of Black Rain. Be warned," I explained, trying to keep my eyes open.

"You're tired, you should get some rest," Temple observed.

"No, I promised Luna I'd text her when I got here," I replied, pulling out my phone and typing the message, "I got to Pasleia, and Dianna Black isn't here... Yet.

Luna replied, "Geez, no need to be so morbid, Har. But good. Text me when she is there. If you have time."

I texted back, "Ok I'll text you when she gets here. Also I may or may not beat up the personal guard you give me." I put my phone away and began to walk with Temple to his house.

My phone dinged again. "Well, then I'll have to find someone that would be compatible with you. Someone who will marry you...." I sighed, glaring at my phone, before replying, 'I won't marry one of your lazy royal guards Luna, I'll marry someone I want to marry, and someone who isn't fussing over me like one of those annoying body guards."

"Wow, you text a lot nowadays Harmony," Temple commented, as I slid my phone back into my pocket.

"Yea, well this is important," I replied, pulling out my phone and showing him the contact, "Luna Dovelin". "She's not only the governor, but she's my friend, we met the first year I was at PSU." I explained, as Temple gaped at my phone. I laughed and put it away.

"Wow, you must be lucky to not only know the governor, but to be friends with her as well!" Temple exclaimed in excitement, as we continued to his house.

"Well, kinda. I'm the vice governor anyways, so I work with Luna everyday I'm in Thymentine," I replied, as my phone dinged, one again.

"Well, we are here, you can take your horse out the back, there should be a stall open for her," Temple explained. "Meet me inside. You know the way around at this point." I led Night around the back, and sure enough there was an open stall for her, the one she was always kept in. I groomed her and gave her a carrot, before leaving the stall closed, and checking my phone. There was a long message from Luna, saying "Geez, Har. Why so morbid? Anyways, gosh, thanks! I hired those bodyguards for you! They cost a bunch! Now don't beat up anyone anymore, understood??? HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR?" I replied, "You never even sent me any, so I can't have beat those guards up!! Jeez pay attention to the date, anyway be back there in about a week! Bye!!" and with that I shut off my phone, and ignored anything that had to do with my phone. I sighed and walking into Temple's house, seeing the shimmering kitchen counter.

"Hi Harmony, you're back here," Temple's wife, Helen, said smiling. I could tell she was faking it, and that Temple had told her to be nice.

"Hi Helen, I come by here every month if I can. Usually every 3 months. If i'm not here then, there's definitely a problem." I replied, taking a seat at the table. Temple was watching, disappointment in his eyes. I knew he always had faith that Helen and I would get along, but Helen believed that traveling was a waste of time, which deeply offended me, as I travel all the time. I mean, she'd never come to visit me in Thymentine, it was always Destiny, Liberty, Luna and me traveling there to see them. 

"Savannah and Daniel, come down right now. You aunt is here again," Helen called to the kids.

"Aunt Harmony? Do you haf somfing for me?" Savannah asked. She was Temple's daughter, at 3 years old.

"Yes, actually," I said, pulling out a leather notebook, "This is for you Savannah." I handed it to the young girl and she raced off with it.

"Do I gewt somfing" the voice of Daniel came from up the stairs as he came running towards me. He was Temple's son, also 3 years old.

"Yes," I pulled out a model car, "This is your's. I know you like cars, so here you go." I handed it gently to him and he ran off with it. Temple was watching approvingly and Helen went over to talk with him.

"She shouldn't be spoiling our kids Temple!" Helen whispered, quiet loudly. 

"Oh, please, she's hardly here, let her giver her niece and nephew a gift," Temple replied.

"Savannah and Daniel, be careful!" Helen yelled to her kids. I sighed, and got up to help cook.

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