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A/N: I think writing this book has made me completely incapable of having feels anymore... also, don't chainsaw me because of Gingersnaps...

Jesse was found in a tree again. This time, he was trying to slit his wrists with a sword, but his immortality prevented him from even denting the skin. "Jesse!" Jess called. Jesse didn't even look at her. "Jesse Daniel Faldara you get down here right now!" Jess demanded. Still no answer, in fact Jesse made the black branches block him off from his sister. Jess grunted in frustration. "I need to ask someone about this..." she sighed. Then she had an idea...

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." Jess entered the Far Lands, with Soren behind her on his horse. She had also dragged Jesse along by putting him behind her on the horse. "So, you're planning on getting Ivor to help us solve your sibling problem? You do realise he still hates me, right?" Soren asked. "Oh, I know." Jess replied. She just wanted some way to open up her doom-and-gloom brother. "I don't know why you just didn't leave me be..." Jesse sighed. "You're coming with us whether you like it or not!" Jess declared firmly. Soren didn't feel very comfortable when the twins argued. "We're here!" Jess gazed at the huge wall. "Whoa... that's big..." Jesse agreed. They tied up their horses and went inside. "Hey Ivor! Are you here?" Jess called. She sighed when there was no answer. "Just great! We'll have to go through the maze again!" Soren groaned. "Or I could just do this..." Jesse made a black branch carry them across the maze to the lab. "Well, that was handy! Ivor?" Jess called again. The three went inside. "Wow. I've never seen so many books in my short life!" Jesse breathed. "Oh, Jess! Good to see you again..." Ivor suddenly dropped some items in shock as he saw Jesse. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Samuel?" he gasped.

Jesse gave a confused look. "No, that's my father. I'm Jesse." he held out his hand to the shocked Ivor. "But... how? Wow, you look exactly like your father! But... you died just after you were born..." Ivor just stared. "What are you talking about? Jesse was created from my DNA and the blood from the Witherstorm. My friends are dead and we need your help!" Jess explained. Ivor suddenly understood. "Oh no. This is really bad! I mean, it's great that you're alive, but that means..." Ivor quickly dashed to a bit of his library. He took out a map. "I thought it was just a fairytale, but it's real..." Ivor was literally making no sense at the moment. The map had green, red, blue and silver dots in different positions. "Wait, are you talking about the Children of Balance? We know already, but we need your help to bring my friends back and fix Jesse." Jess explained. "The Virtue Weapons. They will only respond to their respective child. Very powerful stuff. And we don't have much time! Herobrine could break free any minute now!" said Ivor. Jess had completely forgotten about Herobrine. "Oh no! Then, he can take over the world if we don't act soon?" Soren asked. "Yes. You said your friends were dead, but there is a way to resurrect them. But we'll have to bend the dimensions themselves. Jess, do you still have the amulet?" Ivor asked. "Yeah, I don't know how I held onto it." Jess showed the relic. The center piece was glowing bright, but the other pieces were almost black. "If you combine your powers, you can use the amulet to track which prison dimensions your friends are in. Then you can rescue them and fight. Also, Jess, I need to tell you something..." Ivor began. "Just tell me. If I need to know to save the world, I'll listen." Jess nodded. Ivor nodded back.

"Jess, I knew your parents well. Isabelle and Samuel were good people. However, you're not an only child. When you were born, you were one in a set of twins. Jesse didn't make it. He died just minutes after being born. Apparently, the Witherstorm chemicals reincarnated Jesse by using your DNA. It's a miracle, but Jesse ended up with Wither powers as a side-effect. You know how the books said the Son of Death had to die before life? Well, they never said he wouldn't come back. Jesse dying as a baby was one in a chain of events leading to now. And now Herobrine is on the verge of escape. If we can prevent the battle between you two, then we need to act fast. Now, hold the amulet and try to bring something back to life. I don't care what, just try." Ivor instructed. Jess did as he said, but she was shocked at her brother's origins. He had existed before, then had been brought back to life sixteen years forward. Jesse was shocked as well. "I... I lived before? I can't believe it! I don't believe it! How can I be reincarnated? It doesn't make sense!" he gasped. "Take your own advice. It doesn't have to make sense, sometimes you just have to accept it." Jess grinned. "I deserve that." Jesse smiled. Jess focused all her power into the amulet. Come on, come on! I want my friends back! she thought. Suddenly there was a blast and all of time except the group froze. Multicoloured rifts were sliced open in the fabric of the universe, showing different dimensions inside. "So... the rest of the Order are in there?" Jess asked. "Yep. And I wish you luck. We can't go with you because we're not any of the Children of Balance. Only you six can bend dimensions. Hopefully you'll be safe." Ivor sighed. Jess and Jesse looked at a green rift. "I'll bet you anything Axel is in there!" Jesse nodded. As the twins were about to go inside, Ivor stopped them. "Wait! I forgot to mention the Virtues Weapons. If Axel in in there, then the Lucky Shot could be in there as well. It looks like a silver and green blade. It can only be touched by the Son of Luck. Otherwise, you'll be vaporised. Get Axel, then the weapon. The Virtue Weapons are one of Herobrine's only weaknesses. Again, be safe." Ivor and Soren waved off the twins as they stepped through the portal...

Daughter of Life, Son of Death (An MCSM fanfic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now