Chapter 2: Once Again

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Everything was dark. People were beginning to panic. Then I heard gunshots. I think they came from outside. Everyone was screaming and yelling in panic. "James? James!" I don't think he could hear me and I don't think he could see me either. Suddenly I felt something cover my eyes and I felt a hand cover my mouth. What? I felt a cold object near my throat. I heard a deep voice behind me. "Follow my orders or die trying to resist me." Why was this happening? I could have never imagined this a few hours ago.

12 hours earlier
I woke up looking at the unfamiliar ceiling. That's right, I'm still in Calena. I sat up in my bed and looked around. I saw someone looking at me. I rubbed my eyes and saw James staring at me. "James? What are you doing here?" He smiled at me. "Good Morning Princess." "Good Morning James. How long have you been sitting there?" He replied, "Not long. Breakfast should be arriving soon." I smiled at him. "Thank you James. Have you eaten yet?" "Yes. I ate just before I got here." I nodded and then asked, "What time is it and when are we leaving?" He looked at his watch and replied, "Right now it is 8:32 and you are leaving just before 10." I was going to ask him what he meant by 'you,' but there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," James said. A maid came in with a tray of food. "Prince James here is Princess Ayana's breakfast." I smiled and James said, "Thank you. Just place it here." He directed to the empty spot next to him on the bed. The maid then placed the tray on the bed and left. I took the tray and placed it on my lap. My breakfast was composed of crepes, eggs, and a simple fruit salad. I grabbed my fork, but it was quickly snatched away from me. I looked at James and he began cutting the crepes with the fork. He then held out the piece he had cut in front of me. He asked, "Well aren't you going to open your mouth?" I did what I was told and opened my mouth. The crepes were well made as well as the fruit salad and eggs. James continued to feed me until my plate was cleared and I never said a word. I laughed internally at the thought that James was actually feeding me. "Thank you James, "I said while smiling. "You're welcome." 

Then I asked him, "About earlier, what did you mean by I'm leaving before 10? What about you and Brandon?" He replied, "I still have things to take care of, but don't worry I'll be at Clari before the party." I nodded at him. "Thank you again James for the breakfast." James replied, "You're welcome. I'll leave you here for now. A maid will come in shortly bringing you a set of clothes to wear." I nodded and smiled at him. "I'll see you later." "I'll see you later Ayana," James said before leaving the room. Shortly after he left, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opened and a maid came in the room. "Good morning Princess. I have brought you a change of clothes, a bath towel, a toothbrush, and a few other necessities." I smiled. "Thank you very much and may I borrow a charger for my phone? I'm sure my phone ran out of battery." She nodded and smiled back at me. "Of course Princess! And I probably shouldn't be saying this but first let me ask you, what do you think of the clothes we have picked out for you?" 

I looked at the outfit that she gave me. It was very feminine. It consisted of a turquoise blouse, a white skirt, and white flats. It was plain and simple, but very pretty. "I think it looks very cute and feminine." The maid smiled mischievously at me. "Well this has been going around the manor and some of the other servants think you should know. You see Prince James picked this particular outfit for you this morning. His real intention was actually to make you breakfast like you did for him yesterday; however, it was a complete disaster. Some of the other servants also said he seemed flustered with everything and it was quite a sight to see. So the chefs told him he should just purchase an outfit for you since you didn't plan to stay here overnight." I stood there, eyes wide. James did this for me. I tried to stifle my laughter but it was difficult. 

I said to the maid, "James tried to cook for me? It just seems out of character for him to do something like that. I mean he cooked on my birthday, but that was a special occasion. James being flustered is a rare sight. It must have been a shock to some of the servants. I bet they were laughing at the thought of seeing James like that. Thank you for telling me this. It made my day. I promise I won't tell James who told me about what happened this morning." The maid smiled at me. "Thank you Princess Ayana. And I'll get you the charger and plug it in for you if you are still busy getting ready." She was about to leave the room until I stopped her. "Wait," She stopped and turned around at my voice, "You don't have to call me princess. I would feel better if you and the other servants called me Ayana." "Alright! I'll be right back with the charger Ayana!" With that remark she left. I left my phone next to my purse and the outfit I wore yesterday. 

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