Chapter 3: Nightfall

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It's midnight. Everyone is asleep except for me. No matter what I do, I just can't fall asleep. I'm worried about James. He was injured because of me and my carelessness. He was shot. He lost a lot of blood. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't help him. All I did was cry. I'm still crying. Crying over the fact that I was useless.

As I looked at the ceiling I cried. I cried as silently as possible so that Kate won't wake up. It was too much for me to handle. He lost me during the first attack. I don't want to lose him. Not now, not ever.

About thirty minutes passed when I heard a slight knock at the door. Who's up at this hour? Do the soldiers want to inform me on something? "Come in." The door opened slowly and I saw Luis there. "Luis. Is something wrong? Why are you still awake." "I just wanted to inform you that James is fine. The guards told me that they heard crying in your room. Your eyes look very red and puffy. I assuming that they were right?" All I could do was nod. "James is sleeping now, but I am sure that it is acceptable for you to visit him. After all you are his fiancée. It wouldn't hurt. Would you like to visit James in his room? It might calm you down and give you a peace of mind. Maybe then you can fall asleep." I nodded again.

Luis helped me get out of bed and led me to where James was with a guard standing by our side. We arrived in front of James' room and there were guards there as well. I walked in his room and saw him on the bed sleeping. I closed the door behind me and walked towards the bed. He seems to be sleeping well. I guess the bleeding stopped. I sat next to him and tried not to wake him up.

I must be lucky. When the first attack happened we were just children. I wasn't with him for over a decade. He didn't even know if I was dead or alive. Right now he's in front of me. Alive. We're adults now. About to get married. The situation is completely different. He's still in front of me. Breathing. But he's the one in pain. He was the one shot. He was the one who lost a lot of blood. Me. I wasn't hurt as much as him. I got a scratch on my neck. I was and am useless in this situation. I'm experiencing emotional pain, but he did too as a child. All I can do now for him is to be by his side. I need and want to take care of him for the time being.

I reached my hand towards his head and stroked his hair.

You do so much for me. I'm really grateful that you're by my side and that you'll be the one I'm going to marry.

Suddenly he started to move. Did I wake him up? I quickly removed my hand from his head. "Leave it there," he mumbled. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me. "What are you doing here?" I smiled sadly at him. "I can't sleep. I'm worried about you."

"Lay down next to me."

I laid down next to him and he looked at me. "Don't worry about me. I finally got you back. I'm not leaving anytime soon. I promise." I nodded and closed my eyes. I don't want to lose him. Ever. He's the one in pain, but he's reassuring me. He's too sweet. I don't think I can imagine my life without him. He's important to me. I feel much better laying down next to him. The attack made me realize that I have to cherish every moment I have with him. Knowing that he's okay gives me a piece of mind. I stayed next to him a little longer until he said, "I think you should get some rest. You had a tough day. Don't worry I'll be fine." I looked at him and nodded. I have to go back. I kissed him on the cheek and stood up.

"Good Night James." "Good Night Ayana. I love you." I looked back and smiled. "I love you too." I opened the door and walked back to my room with a guard next to me. I hope that James recovers quickly.

I don't know what I would do without him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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