Where The Lines Overlap ( a Larry Stylinson fanfic)

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I sit on the steps to the school and watch the sun as it seems to fall faster every second. I hear the sound of frantic footsteps from behind, I turn around to see him running towards me.

"Lou" harry says panting uncontrollably, he pulls out his inhaler and breaths in deeply. I watch as he gathers his bearings, I look straight into those soft green eyes, usually filled with merriment but were now filled with sadness and tears.

"whats wrong" i asked scared for the answer i was about to hear. I knew what he was going to tell me, i wanted him to move past the judgment, the hurt filled days that haunt you while you sleep, but i guess its harder for him.

"I-I'm sorry Lou..." He trailed off, tears started to stream down his face. He managed to curl up into the corner of the walls and propped his knees to his chest, arms wrapped tightly around them.

" Haz, its OK you know I don't care as long as I have you, that's all that matters" I slowly approached him and knelt down, he looked away disappointed in himself.

"but you don't have me, you could have b-but I messed...." he trailed off and held his head low.

" no, its not your fault its theirs. We cant make them understand, you and me against the world remember" I held his chin in between my thumb and index and slowly lifted it up. His soft green eyes glowed in the light as they met mine, we were so close my lips were hovering over his, i could feel his breath become more frantic. I cupped his face with my hands then broke the short gap between us by kissing him slowly closing my eyelids. His lips were soft pressed against mine, they fit perfectly with his as he moves his lips with mine in perfect harmony. The crisp air could not compete with the warmth radiating from his body,  the smell of his cologne, so sweet, i loved the way he smelled it calmed me down as my heart fluttered blissfully. I felt his body tense up, he pulled away slightly. I pulled away and gave him a confused look.

"whats wrong?" I asked

He chuckled "nothing, this is perfect..... I'm just cold" He shivered slightly and shoved his arms into his pockets.

I smiled softly and stared once more into those incredible green eyes, a smile played on his pink lips. His cheeks turned red glistening from the tears, i wiped them away eased in next to him. He lay his curly head on my lap, the curly locks framing his face perfectly, I entwined my fingers with his while I twisted his curls with the other as we watched the rest of the sun set.

"Lou" He said hoarsely clearing his throat afterwards.

"yes love" i whispered

"I love you" He whispered as he fiddled with the ripped parts of my jeans twisting the threads forming little spikes. I loved him too, i loved this moment we were living in, it felt perfect. He was perfect, everything felt like it was going right for once. I kissed his head and bit my lip. A ball formed in my throat.

"i love you too Haz, and i wont stop till i surrender" I proclaimed my love to him, I've never thought i would fall in love ever. I always thought i was destined to be alone, i felt alone, like no one understood me; but finally the day came when i met Harry. I was breaking down in the bathroom, crying uncontrollably; I couldn't take life anymore, i was done I wanted to end it all. I was curled up in the corner, i had dug my face into my knees. I pinched my eyes shut hoping that when i finally open them i would be elsewhere. I heard the door creak open, i watched as a curly haired lad walked into the washroom. He stopped abruptly, I must've looked terrible.

"Hi..." He said trailing off, he walked more into the room. He turned to wash his hands never taking his eyes off of me.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked I could hear the concern in his voice, He dried his hands and walked closer to me. I peered up from my temporary safe haven, my eyes met his green eyes; they seemed to sparked even though the room was dimly lit. I stared at him as he inched closer to me, he knelt down but lost balance and fell on his bum.

He chuckled "oops!" A smile played itself on his soft pink lips, I chuckled slightly but my soft smile faded quickly.

I couldn't help but notice how beautiful this boy was. His curl's framed his face perfectly, his green orbs put me in a trance as i watched the glisten in the dim lighting, and those dimples, they were so deep and adorable, they brought my attention to his smile. I couldn't help but return the smile to this curly haired boy, there was something about him that made my heart skip. He settled against the wall next to me and locked his eyes with mine.

"What is a cute lad like you doing here... crying?" He asked, he looked genuinely concerned. I could feel myself blush slightly, I bit my lip holding back a smile that threatened to reveal itself. I thought of the reason why I was here, I hesitated slightly remembering that he was a total stranger, why would i just tell my life story to someone i just met in a bathroom if i couldn't even tell my own parents my problem. I sniffled and sighed softly.

"uh, I-It's nothing r-really..." I trailed of remembering all the looks people gave me, all the abusive remarks directed towards me as i walked down those treacherous halls. My hearts sank tears started forming in the corners of my eyes. He reached out and gently wiped them away. I flinched at his touch at first but realized he was only trying to help. He rested his hand's gently on mine and rubbed them reassuringly.

"Hey hey don't cry, it's okay I'm here you can tell me." He promised. 

"I don't even know you"

"Well my names Harry..... and you are" He smiled cutely.

"Louis" I replied, returning  the smile but it faded quickly.

He frowned "So, whats wrong Louis"

"Wait, you didn't hear by now..."

"No, what didn't i hear" He tilted his head, a confused look was expressed on his face.

"I'm a f-fag.... you should go before someone sees you with me" I broke the eye contact and looked towards the ground ashamed in myself.

"I don't care, and don't call yourself that your beautiful." He said, he lifted my face up with his hand, i stared into his orbs shocked by how sweet and caring he was, i always thought the world was just filled with assholes. 

"No, I'm no-"

"yes, yes you are Lou" He says cutting me off. " you should never underestimate yourself especially if someone as ignorant as the people out there are so blind they cant realize what an amazing-" He stopped abruptly. He sighed frowning slightly. I watched his expression change from pained to passionate.

"Lou, As long as you have someone who cares for you, you can never go wrong no matter what." He promised squeezing my hand gently.

"but I-I don't have anyone who.. cares about me" I looked at him tears starting to fall.

"Lou, i care" He smiled softly and moved in closer to me. He grazed his fingers over my arm, his touch sent chills through me, so soft and warm. I was shocked, how could someone so perfect care about me I'm nothing but a mistake.

I felt safe next to him, He smelled sweet, it calmed me down i couldn't help but lean my head on his shoulder. His hand eventually settled on mine, I found myself entwining our fingers together. He didn't pull his away, we sat there till the end of the day uninterrupted. Since then I've loved him since.

I was snapped back into reality at the slight shifting movements harry made, his lips were ajar, tiny snores escaping from them. I looked up at the luminescent moon wishing away his problems, I was his savior now. I felt my eyes get heavy but i refused to sleep; I lifted Harry up careful not to wake him. I got up and stretched, wiping my jeans clean, I bent over and lifted harry up in my arms and walked slowly to the car. I gently seated him in the passenger seat and Started up the engine. I turned on the heat and drove fast to the nearest hotel.

Hope you guys liked, this is my first fanfic so :3 !! Leave a Comment or Vote, or don't its up to you :) Tell me if i should continue.

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