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sorry for the errors did this on my phone, enjoy or dont :3

Harry P.O.V

I open my eyes slightly to see Louis carrying me bridal style into his rusty beat up chevy. I love the look of pride he gets when he drives it. He sets me down in the passenger seat gently kissing me on the forehead before shutting the door and walking around to the driver side. I watch him slip into the car as he puts the key in the ignition and starts the car, he grips my hand gently sending shivers through me as I slowly drift to sleep.


I wake up disoriented and confused, I question where I am until i realized I'm in Louis' room. I sit upright and wipe the length of my face, i slowly get up off the bed and notice my pants are gone.

"good morning love" Louis says walking in the room with a steaming cup of tea in his hand.

"good morning Lou....... one question?" I ask

" yea, what is it?"

"where are my pants" A sheepish grin appears across his lips.

"well umm......... you were definitely wearing a pair" He scratches the back of his neck, a cute smile reappearing on his face. I feel the heat rush to my face, i quickly look around the room trying to hide it.

"well do you know where you put them" I ask getting up from the bed and moving closer to him.

"I dont know, do you need them" We suddenly find ourselves inching closer. He sets the mug down on the night stand and entangles his arms around my neck, i wrap mine around his waist pulling him closer so that our chests are touching.

"no, and I dont need my shirt either" I say deeply leaning in slowly and break the distance between us. Our lips move sloppily together, I play with the hem of his shirt slowly lifting my hand up his lower back tickling him slightly. I feel him arch his back a little and slowly straighten himself again. I smile lightly into the kiss and pull away only to capture my breath.

"I would so fuck you right now but i have to get to work, remember, we have lives to live" He says, he untangles his arms and breaks free of my grip, he gives me an apologetic smile and pecks my lips before slowly turning out the door.

"why, dont leave me" I whine, hoping he would change his mind and decide to stay. I pick up the mug and slowly sip the warm tea. I search around the room for my jeans and eventually decide to give up, he did this intentionally damn him. I grin at the thought and walk through the house looking for the feathery haired lad to wish him a good day at work. I walk down the narrow hallway and into the living room, damn his house is so big.

I hear a knock on the front door, I wonder who it could be I shuffle to the door slightly placing my plam on the cold wood, I look through the peeping hole and see a mid aged woman with long brown hair, who the hell is this and why is she here so early in the morning. She shifts her weight impatiently waiting for someone to answer. I grip the handle and undo the door latch but freeze when i realize I'm pants less.

"Harry"I hear Louis call from behind me in a whisper. I turn around to see him waving me over. I tiptoe towards him and give him a confused look.

"Lou who is that" I ask

" That's my mom, and you don't have pants" He whispers loudly starting to pace in the archway.

"well, can i meet her i bet she'd love me" I smile excitedly and jump slightly off the ground.

"I'd love for you to meet her but..... I h-haven't quite told her that i" He stutters

I freeze in place, my smile quickly disappears replaced by a frown.

"I'm sorry Haz I really am."He gives me an apologetic smile and lightly holds my hand, he pecks me on the lips and i walk towards the spiral stairs. Ouch I'm hiding from my boyfriends mom. I thought he came out already, how could his mom possibly not know? I collapse on his bed face first and groan. Why are we hiding.

Louis POV

I watched as harry slowly walked up the spiral steps. I caught his gaze at the last step and gave him an apologetic smile, he frowned and ascended up the last few steps. Damn, i feel so guilty. I don't know why i cant just tell my mom i guess im scared of what she might think of me, mainly because of what my dad will think of me.

I shuffled to the door and swung it open to see an angry mum staring at me through squinted eyes.

"who where you talking to"

"what, oh no one just this new i-intern" she looked at me questionably she carresed my face.

" oh lou, you work too hard."

she smiled and then pecked my cheek. I stepped aside to invite her in. She stepped in, looking side to side inspecting the interior of my house.

"i like what you've done with the place, last time i was here it was so dull and boring"

"yea, i guess, my life has never been better since...." i trailed off remembering the secret that ive been holding from her, also the same secret thats been keeping me and harry apart. Shit maybe i should just tell i her i mean shes my mom after all shell just have to learn to accept it.

"since what honey?"

"what?" i asked confused at the question being directed towards me.

" you were saying you're life has never been better since..." she raised her eyebrows, lingering the last word.

"oh uh since..." I looked at my hands guiltily, i started to tear up, why am i crying.

"uh mom.. i h-have to confess s-something to you... please dont be mad."i said stuttering. An expression of worry started to form on her face.

"honey, what did you do" she asked, concern in her voice.

"mum i-im g-gay" i sobbed loudly too ashamed to even look at my own mum. I shook my head and burried my face in my hands, i felt the cushion next to me contract. Warm hands rubbed small circles on my back. The feeling sent chills through my body.

"it's ok " a reasuring voice cooed in my ear. The voice was familiar but it wasnt my moms. I looked up expecting to see a loving harry but instead i stared in horror at the sight of my dad.

"dad" i choked out barely above a whisper. I turned my head to my mom who was sitting in the same spot, tears filled her eyes but she wasn't sad, she was smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2013 ⏰

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