Chapter 6

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Zayn's POV

My fingers playing over the piano keys in a fluid motion like they always do. It was finally Friday and that ment I didn't have to deal with my professors being so rude to me. But out of all of them, my piano professor is just the worst. She always makes sure to tell me that I need to slow down or I need to pay closer attention to my posture. Then when I just nod as an answer to her, she makes sure to pester me for a few minutes later about how I need to use words. My only two friends in this class always try to say something for me, it just doesn't help. Louis always tries to draw her attention away from me, but that last time he ended up nearly breaking one of the pianos by slamming the cover shut to get our professor to back off me.

"That's a sharp note!" My professor yelled at me, abruptly stopping me from playing my music. I looked back at the paper in front of me and saw that it wasn't a sharp, but it turned into a natural because of where it was placed. I got my pencil and circled it then drew an arrow saying this was a natural. She looked at it and played it into the piano the same exact way I had played it.

"Slow down it it will sound better. You're not looking at your time signature." She said coldly then walked away. I looked at my time signature and clapped out the beat to the line quietly. It was Lal the same to me and there was nothing wrong with it. I sat up straighter and clapped out the rhythm again before I just let out a small breath and forward.

"Don't let her get to you. I was enjoying listening to you play." My friend Liam said quietly as he took a seat on the bench next to me. He was kind of shy around me and didn't say that much. That was Louis' job to be loud and to carry the conversation if the three of us were having one. Liam was just a quiet guy that showed what he had to say, making him easier to relate to and get along with. His brown eyes looked into my own and a soft blush covered the apples of his cheeks. I smiled at him because I enjoyed how he was always turning red over nothing. When I catch Niall looking at me, he usually looks away really fast, but Liam just continues to look at me and let's his embarrassment be seen by me. I kind of liked when Niall looks away because he just has this childish way about him that makes me feel really happy.

"After this class do you want to get some lunch together? Louis is busy so I was hoping we could hang out some more." Liam offered. I nodded because I only had two classes today anyway and I didn't feel like going back to the room and sitting there from noon to three when my other class starts. Niall has his classes the same as I do, kind of spread out, but he spends his time making friends and having fun with the people that already love him after being here only a week. It's weird that he's so outgoing, but I know if he weren't we would be having problems living together. So far, everything is wonderful. We watch movies together and when we don't want to we just sit there quietly with our whiteboards and ask questions or just have funny conversations. He asks me how everyone treats me, and I've said everything was fine because he doesn't need to know my professors give me shit about the fact I won't speak.

"Alright, well we can just walk there together then." Liam said then got up to leave back to his piano. I sat there wondering why he was wanting to be my friend, but when he started playing his song he was given to perfect I got lost in listening to how well he played instead. I turned around and started to play my music again with all the love I had in the world for just feeling my fingers run over the white and black keys. I also felt pretty happy that I was making friends and that Niall was such a good roommate.

I enjoyed how he was open to cuddle me when he got sleepy half way through a film. He would always end up with his head on my shoulder or if we were laying down he would curl into my side. I've always liked it when my sister would cuddle up to me and tell me how her day was, so when he did that I didn't feel that lonely feeling I get anytime I go to bed. Sleeping alone is still really hard, but I'm getting better at it just because after Niall leaves my bed or if leave his once the film is over, I can still feel the heat of his body. It's weird, but I need a friend like that right now before I go into complete shock of my new life style compared to my old one.

Mute Musician (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now