Chapter 5

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Niall's POV

I got back to my dorm room around six at night after my last class was let out. I didn't know that an English class could ever take that long, but it did and now I'm really regretting my decision on taking that class. All I know is I'm glad I only have it twice a week because of how long it is. Other than that, the rest of my classes were wonderful and I absolutely loved it here. Everyone was really nice and enjoyed whatever it was that I brought with me. I was also glad that I had my song writing class with Liam so we both knew someone. It wasn't a problem for me to make new friends, it's just the fact that everyone likes to have an actual friend they know in class with them.

I dropped my book bag by my bedside table and looked at the whiteboard that Zayn and I had hung on the bathroom. It said he was in there, so I didn't bother calling out to see if he was here in the room. I got on my phone and begin to order a large pizza for us and started to get my shoes off. After the order was placed in changed my slightly smart looking clothes for some sweats and a t-shirt. Zayn came out of the bathroom right as I finished pulling on my shirt and I saw his hair was now just laying flat on his head and looked kind of wet.

"Do you take a shower?" I asked him. He nodded and went over to put his dirty clothes in the laundry hamper he had. He got his whiteboard and wrote something before turning it over to me. It said he didn't know if that was okay to take a shower, but he did anyway. I smiled at him because honestly, he was pretty funny. The things he did were quirky but it made him seem so normal to me. I could tell he was worried about living with anyone but his sister so he was constantly checking that the things he was doing weren't bothering me. I don't think he could so anything that would bother me because his appearance is enough for me to let him get away with anything. Plus, he has a really kind heart. He doesn't need to speak for me to see that.

"You can shower or do whatever you want. I don't really care as long as you give me some time in the bathroom in the morning to get ready. I ordered a pizza. I hope you like everything on your pizza because that's what I ordered." I said. He quickly scribbled down something and turned it to me. I laughed because it was just one word and it wasn't that relevant to what we were talking about.

"Pineapple?" I asked him through my laughter. He smiled and nodded as he pointed to the word. It hit me that he was asking if there was pineapple on the pizza, but I still thought it was funny that he just asked that. He's usually good with adding more words so I knew we were on the same conversation, but this time it's just one word. I guess it just made me feel happy that I could start really understanding each other.

"Yeah, I got pineapple on the side because surprisingly allot of people are allergic to it. I wasn't sure if you were." I said to him with a huge smile on my face. He nodded and got on his bed and started to mess with his laptop that looked very new. I stood there thinking if I should sit on my own bed or if I should sit next to him on his bed. I decided that at this moment in our very new friendship I should keep the way I normally am around everyone to myself for now.

I'm a pretty touchy person and I have no limits to who I'm letting cuddle me or hug me. I just don't have boundaries. I love to share affection with everyone and get it in return. But to me, Zayn seems like a guy that isn't too open about touching. He's not open about talking so I can only assume that he isn't too fond of the open cuddles that I give most of the people I enjoy to spend time with. I just sat on my bed and placed my phone down on the table.

"What are you doing on there?" I asked Zayn. Soft music started playing from his laptop and he set it on his table so that I could see it. It was just regular R&B music which made me confused to why and how he played piano. I've taken a look at his music he has in his binder and most of it is classical music.

Mute Musician (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now