Chapter 1!

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I was awoken by the buzzing of of my alarm clock. God it made my head pound,it was too violent for  my moody Monday morning. I clambered out of bed, my eyes barely open and traipsed to my en suite bathroom. Forcing my eyes as wide as I could, I retrieved my green pastel contact case. Sleepily, I screwed open the left lid, trying not to blink I scooped up the transparent sheet and inserted it into my eye,

''Crap!'' I said,rubbing my eyes harshly, them watering lightly. I popped in the right blighter with the same intensity of pain and burning. Shortly after, each blink caused another wave of pain, but I soldiered on and made my way back to my room. I pulled on my
favourite black skinnies,they were creased and had food stains on them, they hadn't been washed in weeks. Trailing over to my washing basket I fished out my adventure time t-shirt. I slung it over my head and put my arms through the holes. Swooping up my deathnote school bag,I plodded down to the kitchen where I could smell the regular scent of fresh pancakes.

''Morning philly,'' My mum called from the kitchen ''fresh pancakes?''

''When have I ever said no?'' I responded playfully, perching down at the breakfast table and pouring myself a glass of fresh orange juice. I reached for the remote for the radio,as it switched on one of my favourites had just begun, Toxic by Britney Spears. I bobbed my head as my mum pushed a plate of steaming, thick pancakes in front of me. Giving my mum a thankful smile, I stretched out for the maple syrup and popped the lid off, creating a masterpiece of golden goodness.

As I took my last mouthful of heavenly pancake, I scooped up my bag and took my phone off charge,plugging in my headphones and hitting play on shuffle. Chop suey by system of a down blasted into my ears. Somehow the voice of Serj Tankian managed to sooth me.

''By mum!'' I Called out, not waiting in for a response. I took a deep breathe of the mild summer morning air and ran my hands through the unkempt grass mum could never be bothered to cut. Not now that dad was gone. She always said it was his job and I knew secretly that him having an affair was tearing her apart but she never showed it. It's like this whole things had just been swept under the carpet, never had a second glance.

Since my high school was only a 5 minute walk away (and I didn't yet have my license) I decided that every morning at 7:45 inner eco-friendly Phil would take over and go green.

Arriving at the same old school gates, that they hadn't painted since the 1970's, I saw the average sea of coloured tops and pants, over the top trainers and multicoloured bags. Since every kid in my school never wore their uniform right anyway, ties were never on straight or girls wore pencil skirts instead of pleated, they got rid of the uniform and let us wear our own clothes.

I paused, now playing The handler by muse, and wrapped my headphones tightly around my phone and stuffed them in my back trouser pocket while making my way into school.

''Hey sweetie,'' a familiar voice spoke ''You know that if you wear the same-''

''Same tight skinny jeans every day it will cause a lack in penile growth and good morning to you too Tyler!''

'Hmmm,you don't seem at all concerned by your body's incapability to grow properly!''

''God Ty!'' I responded ''It's not an incapability! Now can we please change the subject!''

While we started wittering about Tyler's outfit choice for the day (a baggy blue pastel jumper, white jeans and his homemade blue and green tye dye slip on pumps) we noticed a white and black mini pull in around half way down the car park.

''Baes here!'' Tyler chirped as he fluttered his hand in the air, giving a quick dramatic wave. I was happy that my best friend was in a relationship but I also couldn't help the fact that I was partially envious.

Tyler's man was a slim build but very tall. He sported a tight fitting plain white tee that showed his six pack and broad muscles. His black jeans and vans were pristine and his circular sunglasses polished to perfection. He was one of the most popular guys in school and all the girls craved his attention.

''Hi guys'' He said in a smooth sultry tone, flashing is perfectly whitened and aligned teeth. He grabbed Tyler by the waste, pulled him close and kissed his cheek. Suddenly, it made me realise how much I missed having a boyfriend, someone to hold. Someone to love.

''Hey Troye.'' I responded, shooting him a quick smile and continued back to my fun of glancing around the car park.

''Okay nearly a full pack,where's Jonah?'' Questioned Tyler.

''Right on cue as usual!'' We turned around to the sight of Jonah, hair a mess (which was soon to be fixed), sweaty and a bag contents all over the floor.

''Holy crap,you okay?'' I asked a little shocked by his untidiness. ''Sibling,'' he responded his tone icy and sour ''who the fuck needs them!'' I decided to be smart and make that rhetorical question.

Whilst helping him gather the rest of his belongings, our conversation on
Bring me the Horizons 'That's the spirit' album was rudely interrupted by
The deep growling of a heavy-power engine. As we turned to look around we saw a matte black Bugatti pulling into the school gates. Who was this? New teachers? Parent? Perhaps a student? All I knew what that I had never seen this car in my life and if lived in that area my whole life.

Parking in a disabled spot, the door clicked open to reveal a man of large build, at least 6'3, he had a jawline that looked like it had been chizled by angels which was sealed by a pair of large nude lips. His hair was a chocolate brown and his eyes a deep mahogany. Who was this god like specimen? I couldn't stop staring. I may have looked like a freak,sure, but if you would have stared if you would have seen someone like I saw him. Every move he made was perfect. He was perfect.

So yeah this was the first Chapter of my fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed it :) <3

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