Chap 2 "The Concert"

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Blake's POV
I was waiting in my apartment waiting for Alex to get done. "Alex?" I asked. "You know we can't be late."
"Yeah, I know," Alex sighed as she walked out of the bathroom. She turned her back at me. "Can you please help me with my top?"
"Yeah," I sighed as I zipped up her top. "There." She turned around and faced me. "You're always beautiful, Alexa." She smiled. "Hey, don't do that. When you do that you always second guess me. I don't like that you second guess me. Alex, you are beautiful."

"I know, Blake," Alex sighed

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"I know, Blake," Alex sighed. "I believe you because you are my prince." We shared a kiss. "Now, can we go to Kohl's before we go to the mall?"
"Yeah," I smiled. "Let's go."
We went to Kohl's and everyone was looking at Alex. "Okay, maybe this was a bad idea," Alex stated. "Everyone's staring at me."
"Lil Len," a girl walked up to us and hugged Alex. "I won one of the tickets to see you today."
"Great," Alex smiled.
"And you must be the boyfriend," she shook my hand. "My name's Lisa."
"Who won the other ticket?" Alex asked.
"You don't wanna know," Lisa nodded. I looked at Lisa. "It's better you don't know."
"Lisa, I'm telling a story before the concert and I don't wanna use names if they're going," Alex replied. "So, please, tel me, who won the other ticket?"
"Rebecca," Lisa nodded.
"Thank you," Alex replied. "Blake, let's head to the mall." We got back into my car and I drove us to the mall. We went to a room they put us in. "Okay, so we are starting with Thank You and going onto Where The People Go? What's after that?"
"Souvenir," I smiled.
"Alex," Jonnie walked in as she put on her countrymen mic. "You're up."
"That's my cue," Alex sighed. "See you guys out there."
"Yeah," I sighed as she left. We went to the entrance of the stage. Alex was sitting on a stool as the music started playing. "Alright guys. We have to make this the best show yet."
"Everybody wouldn't expect a local up here on this stage," Alex stated. I looked out the small window. "But I don't care what you guys say about me. I know most of you hate me, but I went for my dreams. I graduated high school and college. I even have a job with Kohl's." She sighed. "Except today, it changes my life for the better. Today, I start tour with my boys, After Romeo. I wanna say thank you to those who told me I couldn't."
"She nailed her speech," I smiled. "Let's do this."
"Yeah, I've been called a few names," Alex sang as we joined the stage with her. "People said I was crazy. But I just look the other way, and kept my focus." She stood up and I moved the stool to the banner. "They tried to tell me to face it. I'm not good enough to make it. You gave me all the fuel to fire my emotions."
We finished the concert and went to the VIP room. "You did a great job," TC smiled.
"Why do I feel like I tripped over my own two feet?" Alex asked.
"You did amazing," I hugged her.
"Lexi!" Jeremy exclaimed as he walked in with LIsa and another girl.
"Jeremy," Alex smiled as she gave him a hug. "Lisa. Rebecca. What dd you guys think?"
"Why can't you channel that same passion towards your position at Kohl's?" Rebecca asked.
"Maybe because this is a way to express my emotions," Alex shrugged. "Music just gets to me."
"No, she's only doing this because her boyfriend's in the band," Jeremy nodded.
"I never forced her to do anything she doesn't want to," I pointed out. "This decision was between her and our manager."
"Where's your next stop after this?" Lisa asked.
"We're going to Dallas to pick up my girlfriend and then we're heading to DC," Jayk replied.
"Do you all have to or can I treat you all to dinner?" Jeremy asked. "Just the six of us."
"Sure," Drew nodded. "That'll be great."
"Alright," Jeremy smiled. "Where shall we eat?"
"Alex, you choose," Jayk stated.
"How about Red Lobster?" Alex asked.
"Anywhere you want," Jeremy nodded.
"Yeah, let's go to Red Lobster," Alex smiled.
We went to Red Lobster and got a table after thirty minutes. "So, that was a bit of a wait," I stated. On one side of the table, Alex sat between Jeremy and I. Jayk sat across from her with Drew to his let and TC to his right. "Do you see anything you like, Alex? Or anything to drink?"
"I always get the strawberry smoother," Alex smiled. "I just love strawberries."
"We should just get you a strawberry shortcake too," Jeremy smiled. Alex looked at him. "Ow! Why'd you kick me?"
"Because that was rude," Alex stated. "Now, let's just have a peaceful dinner and no more offensive jokes."
"Alright," Jeremy sighed. We finished eating and gathered outside. "So, I guess this is goodbye."
"It's not forever," Alex smiled.
"She'll be back," I nodded.
"I'll meet you in DC," Jayk nodded.
"Okay?" I questioned. He got into his car and left. "I thought we were taking the van, Jonnie."
"You can take your car," Jonnie nodded.
"Yeah," Alex nodded. "We need to."
"Alright," I sighed. "We'll see you guys in DC." Alex and I got into my car and I started driving. "Are you really excited for DC?"

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