Chap 8 "Explanation"

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Blake's POV
Alex and six of her friends left. "Is that going to happen constantly?" I asked.
"Only if that alarm goes off," Mentor Ji nodded.
After an hour, seven people walked in wearing a suit, a ranger suit. Their suit disappeared. "Looks like we're late," Jayden stated.
"Uhm, now I'm the one confuse," I looked at them. "You guys are the Samurai Rangers?" They nodded. "How long has Alex known?"
"I've been a ranger all my life but I just met them a few hours ago," Alex explained.
"Do you wanna explain what happened to your dress?" Niall asked. "Or why you have dirt all over you?"
"Or why you're bleeding?" Jeremy asked.
"I'm bleeding?" Alex asked. "Where?"
"Left shoulder," Jeremy pointed.
Alex looked at her shoulder. "When I thought the moogers didn't get me, I guess I was wrong," Alex sighed.
"Come here," Mike sighed as he got our a first aid kit. He got out a cotton ball and alcohol. " Okay, this is going to hurt."
"Just let me know when -" Mike out the cotton ball on it and she punched him. "I said let me know."
"I thought if I caught you of guard, it wouldn't hurt as bad," Mike replied. He finished taking care of the wound. "There you go."
"Thank you," Alex sighed. "This isn't as bad as being a federal agent, alright? This is the reason why I can't be in the FBI."
"I rather you be in the FBI than chasing monsters," I stated. "At least I know you're wearing a bullet proof vest as an agent."
"She can't go," Jayden nodded.
"Everywhere you go, danger follows," Mentor nodded.
"Yeah, my soul was captured by a nighlok one time," Emily replied. "He made me really sleepy."
"As long as I'm a ranger, I can't have a normal life," Alex sighed. "Not anymore, anyways."
"But you lived a normal life with us," Jayk responded. "You're best friends with us, with Nikki."
"Alex, you can't leave your past life behind because you're a Samurai," Nikki nodded. "You can still have a normal life now. Just leave here with us and forget about this."
"I left the Shiba House to have a normal life," Alex looked at us. "But I can't leave being a Samurai now. It's too late."
"What is she talking about, Jayden?" Mentor asked.
"The nighlok put some kind of barrier around our fighting field so we weren't able to morph," Jayden replied. "The moogers now know who she is and I'm assuming so does the nighloks."
"There's no mistaking that since they saw her," Antonio sighed. "Well, Alex, it looks like your stuck with us until we defeat Master Xandred."
"Unless she can still have a normal life and she can call you when a nighlok or moogers show up," I shrugged. "That way she can still make her concerts like she promised her fans and not miss out on the experience like we planned together for the past two years."
"You can be in a band with me," Antonio smiled. "I can play guitar!"
"Let's see if my sister has lost her touch in music," Mike smiled. "Show us what chu got, Alex."
"Alright," Alex sighed. "Antonio, any chance I can borrow your guitar?"
"Yeah," Antonio handed her a guitar. "Go for it."
"I didn't know she can play," Mike looked at her.
"There's a lot of things I picked up, Mike," Alex smiled. "You guys ready?"
"Yeah," Drew smiled.
Alex started playing and I smiled. "Get it Blake," TC nodded.
"You and I, we're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky. With you, I'm alive. Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide," I sang. "So stop time right here in the moonlight, 'cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes."
"Without you, I feel broke. Like I'm half of a whole," sang Jayk, Drew, TC, and I. "Without you, I've got no hand to hold. Without you, I feel torn. Like a sail in a storm." Alex smiled. "Without you, I'm just a sad song. I'm just a sad song."
"With you I fall.;It's like I'm leaving all my past in silhouettes upon the wall," Alex sang. "With you I'm a beautiful mess. It's like we're standing hand in hand with all our fears up on the edge." I put my arm around her and she smiled. "So stop time right here in the moonlight, 'cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes."
"Without you, I feel broke. Like I'm half of a whole. Without you, I've got no hand to hold," we sang. "Without you, I feel torn. Like a sail in a storm. Without you, I'm just a sad song."
Alex strummed the last chords. "And that is what I can do," she nodded.
"It's not a winning battle, Mentor," Mike nodded. "She loves her fans."
"And I love Blake," Alex nodded. "You can't tear me apart from him."
"Yeah, I couldn't keep you at work," Jeremy stated.
"Alex, you have a duty as Samurai," Kevin looked at her. "Are you really wanting to abandon that?"
Alex got out her Samuraizer and held it in her hand. "Here's what I have to say. If I stay, Mike has to go. If I go, Mike has to stay," Alex sighed. "It was great running with you guys during those two battles." She put her Samuraizer on the table. "I may be the female green ranger, but I can't stay."
"What?" Mia asked.
"Why?" Emily asked.
"I'm not going to be the cause that broke you guys because Mike had to leave if I stay," Alex looked at them. "I could never forgive myself and I could never take his place to be a ranger. You guys are a strong enough team as it is." She looked at me and nodded. "I'm going to stick with my music career."
"There's the girl I've known for forever," I smiled. "I think we should go."
Alex gave Mike a hug. "You guys, can always contact me," Alex nodded. "But I can't ever be a Samurai."
"Alex, we have a tour to do," I nodded. "We have to head to New York tonight to make it."

A/N: that's the end of this story. I hope you enjoyed it. There will be a new story so just keep your eyes opened for it. Thank you so for reading this :) xoxo ~Alexis

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