It's a boy

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I feel bad.

I don't understand why, it tried to kill us, and yet. I was so unhappy, that when a piece metal fell on Ryder's head, I didn't even crack a smile. Ryder picked it up and hand it to Luna but I didn't notice what happened next until Luna was snapping her fingers in my face.

"What?" I asked, she held up the piece of metal in front of me. "Is this what the dragon was wearing?" She asked, I nodded.

"The dragon was being controlled, it grew through magic and was being used like a weapon by someone else. White Dude perhaps?" All I did was looked at her in confusion. "The blue gem, dragon controlled." She gave me a look I was all too familiar with, her look said, are you that stupid? I processed what she was saying, the next thing I knew I was approaching the dragon.

With relief I noticed it was still breathing. As soon as I was about a couple of metres away it's light blue eyes opened, though it's pupils weren't diluted. It whimpers, but in pain, not fear. I got closer putting my hand out, the little dragon touched my palm with it's snout before flinching back, then tried again. This time it stayed till and closed it's eyes. Luna and Ryder knelt either side of me followed by Gigi, who sat so close behind me.

"We must go." Luna said.

"I think we should take it with us, find a way to heal it's wings." Ryder suggested.

I looked over to Luna, who indicated that this was my choice. I scooped up the dragon into my arms. It rested it's small head on my left shoulder with it's right wing hanging over my arm and it's left wing tucked in between us. Gigi ran ahead, Luna followed with Ryder taking the rear, sword in hand. We headed for the now unlocked door leading outside, but when we got to the door we saw something hanging on the side.

Luna grabbed it and studied it. "This is the finest craftsmanship I've ever seen." She showed it to me and says, "I'll keep it till your hands are free." I didn't have much time to look at it but I nodded and we kept going.

As soon as we were far enough in the woods to hide the temple we stopped for a rest. Time went so quickly, it was almost evening. I set the tiny dragon down, it had been asleep the whole time. Luna then came up to me and passed the two objects forward, it was a bow and a sheath of arrows. The bow was amazing, carved into the wood was a flame design, I held the handle, it felt so light and comfortable. I put it down and slipped an arrow out of the sheath. It was thin but felt so strong it was hard to bend. The metal arrow head also had flame designs carved in but it also appeared red. I put it back and placed it by the bow.

Ryder had collected some wood and was placing it in the middle of the clearing we were in. Luna started the fire and Ryder got supplies of food we had from when we entered the temple. Just thinking about it made my stomach rumble, that was such a long time ago. As I watched the flames scorch the wood underneath it I started thinking of the dragon. The fire, the size and the pain. How it grew and had abilities dragons usually took long to possess, and the fact that it knew the abilities were unnaturally used. It must have been forced, not just controlled. Is this what other dragons are going through, seems like a coincidence that the dragons seemed to be moving towards home. Home, haven't used that word in a while.

"Silas I'm worried about seeing that look on your face. Are you thinking? I don't think you should be doing something so taxing after battling the dragon." Luna said smirking at me. I gave her the not funny look before telling them my thoughts about dragons being the same as Apophis. Funny thing is Luna didn't seem surprised.

"When I was escaping my temple, I saw my Uncle order his monsters to put those cuffs onto the baby dragons he'd stolen from a nest, but I don't think that is all to the plan, I mean, there weren't enough dragons to start a war with." As Luna said this I looked over to Apophis to find it's eye filled with pain again.

"You a girl or boy?" I ask.

"Sorry?" Luna said, taken a back.

"Well I've never been sure about you Luna but I'm talking to Apophis," I reply, "girl?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Well Luna, we will have to find out about your uncle's plan, I don't fancy killing innocent dragons." I say as I look at Apophis. He gets up and glides over to me, landing on my lap. I looked at Luna before lifting his wing to look at...well...nothing. There were no marks from the previous battle. "Wow your a quick healer," I say to him.

As the sun set we have a quiet dinner and watch the sun slip below the trees leaving us in darkness. We all sat near the fire, "what now, we don't have a map for what comes next." Ryder says. Luna sits silently, not normal for her. So I say, "find the next temple, is what we have to do-"
Luna continues, "-to find the weapon needed and then we-"
"-find Luna's temple." Finishes Ryder.
I thought it was impressive, Apophis thought otherwise, he yawned and put his head on my lap falling asleep within seconds. Gigi slept near the fire, between me and Ryder. Luna to my left.

"The next village should be slightly more than half a days walk, there is no map for the final temple, but there has been a rumour that someone has found it." Luna says after a while, "we need to go there next, for now I can take first watch." Me and Ryder both agreed. I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the ground.

The Luna Temple: Fire #2Where stories live. Discover now