Kate rushed out of bed, washed her face, ate a small slice of bread and prayed to God to bless her family and give them some food. She took her basket and called her sister to take her basket to get to work and possibly finish early (if it's God's will they always say). They work for a man who only gives them 10 penny's every month so that they can buy their family a loaf of bread and it would stay for a month while they get the other 10 penny's to buy another loaf of bread. So, clearly life wasn't easy for them, but despite their poverty their parents, Elizabeth and Andrew, always taught their children never to stop praying and preaching the Lord for he is our saviour and our glory. When Kate and Arianna got back home they where tired from work all day and under the sun. So they went to tell their parents how they did in work today, but their parents had some exiting news for the girls too. Their father said, " we know you too have wanted a brother for a long time and now you have one coming soon". The girls looked at each other with surprise and we're really happy but at the same time they were really sad. They have a new edition to the family and the money won't be enough for 5 people and 10 penny's. They were all silent for about 5 seconds thinking, and thinking , and thinking.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! The question of the day is 'what do you think the girls reaction will be?'
An Easter Miracle
De Todo'An easter miracle' talkes about a family that is poor but faithful and one day all that faith leads to something the family wasn't expecting at all.