Chapter 2

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I walked out of class and saw Jovani I told him "u have a twin brother?" He said "yea I forgot to tell you..sorry" I said "it's okay" then he yelled "HEY MARIOOO" I turned around and I said to myself "oh no not Mario" he use to go to my old school too and he made jokes about me but whatever..Mario came up and said "hey I know u y/n u look pretty now" and he started laughing I said "hahah so funny" in a mean way..went to math class sat next to Julian.. He told me "there is a party next Friday wanna come?" I said "I'll think about it!" He said "Mario,Jovani and Geo r coming it's gonna be lit..I mean I could take u if u want" i said "I'll see"
•Julian part of the story•
Hopefully she comes..she's cute •Mario part of the story•
wow she doesn't looks that bad anymore
My first day of school is kinda weird..I mean I met twins and then I saw these buttholes again lol..I didn't know ill see Geo and Mario I'm still thinking if I should go to the party •

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