Finding Out.

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Niall: Sitting on the floor of your's and Nialls bathroom you staring in shock at the pregnancy test that was sitting in your hands. You was waiting, sitting and waiting for the three minutes to end so you could once and for all find out if you were pregnant. Suddenly the alarm went off knocking you out of your daydream. You got up to switch off the alarm. Sitting on your bed you hesitantly looked down to the test in your hands to find two pink lines. You was in fact pregnant, at first you were scared but after a while the news sank in and you began to be excited.

Louis: You was sat on the toilet seat of yours and louis bathroom, latley you had been feeling sick and that wasn't like you, so you told you best friend and she advised you to take a pregnancy test. You and Louis had spoken about having children but you didnt think it would happen until you had gotten married. You was sitting staring at the wall when you heard the alarm go off, you then took a look down at the test in your hand and it was positive, excitment and terror ran over you but you knew you could get through it.

Harry: You and Harry had recently been speaking about starting you own little family, but you didnt think that it would happen so quickly, because now you was sitting in you bedroom waiting for the test to be done. The three minutes for the test seemed to be taking forever, you just wanted to know if you were pregnant or not the intense time was killing you. Finally the time was up you looked down with caution and found out you was pregnant. You were extatic but so worried at the same time.

Liam: You and Liam have been happily married for 3 years and the both of you thought that it was the prefect time to start a little family, the boys had been off tour for a year and wouldn't be going back for another year so Liam decided that it was fait for the two of you to start a family of your own. You was currently waiting to find out if you and liam had been succesful with your mission. When the alarm went of you went into the bathroom looked at the test and it was positive.

Zayn: Zayn and you had been married for only 4 months but now was the time for the two of you to start a family or so as zayn kept saying. You had tried several times to get pregnant and each time you had failed so you had your fingers crossed that this time you had achieved what both you and zayn really wanted. The alarm suddenly went off signalling that the test was done and to your delight you found out that you was pregnant.

1st part of the Pregnancy Series 

Next Part Up Soon!

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