Chapter Seven

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"That is one nasty wound you got there" Will said while observing the claw marks on my chest. He had wiped them clean which I must say hurt quite a bit then he put band ages over it and gave me nectar and sent me on my way. I went out to go find Nico but some Aphrodite kids had some over ideas.

"Hey look it's that emo freak" one said "I thought she only came out at night sense she hates the sun" another called out. I rolled my eyes and flicked my hand and the shadows curled around their legs and pulled them down. I had made a decision to pull a prank on them. I made a hood and robe from the shadows and shadow traveled to my cabin and put in my red contacts and when back and unsheathed my scythe. I made it darker in the area and I formed in the middle and removed my hood and showed my crimson red eyes and unfolded my wings and let no light show.

I then walked up to them "Because you have disrespect me you have all so disrespect my father and for that you with pay with your soul" some where crying by now even begging. I laughed in a evil tone and pulled the shadows from behind them to make it seem like I was taking the soul and then a few girls passed out. I returned every thing back to normal and busted out laughing and Nico walked out from the shadows and rolled around on the floor laughing. "That was great" he said through laughs. After our laughing fit even Piper was laughing I founded out she was also a Aphrodite, after walking and talking for a bit we went and ate lunch.

I'm going to wait for here to meet all the seven to give them a quest.

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