4-Sex Ed Sucks

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Ah, sex ed. Awkward conversations with your health teacher and immature straight white boys giggling when they hear the word "penis." See, in my school, they just lump a random number of people into your health class, regardless of gender. Luckily, Casey just so happened to be in my health class, so I wasn't totally alone.

Reasons sex ed is the worst:

1-Sex is when a man and a woman..." Okay....that's...completely wrong??? There is such a thing as *gasp* homosexual sex!!!! Also, sex between someone who is, say, genderqueer, also exists. Listen, guys have G-Spots in their butts for a reason, you know. That shit was no accident.. 

Also, what if there are *double gasp* gays sitting in the classroom? They need to learn how to prevent STDs and how gay sex works! Using the excuse of "just use google!!" is complete and utter bullshit, because if google exists and is used to find out the workings of gay sex, why can't it be used for heterosexual sex as well?

2-Not everyone wants to have sex!!! As your registered Asexual(tm), I can say that some people (ace or otherwise) simply don't want to have sex! It's not a thing that you're required to do. So when teachers say shit like "as we'll all do this at one point...," it makes me want to smack that damn health teacher in the face with my rickety desk.

3-There's not an option to say no. Up until this year, we've had the option to opt out of health class, since some parents thought that "harsh subjects" were being thrown on students at "such a young age." This class, however, had no permission slip. No siree, we have to sit, against our will (whether we like it or not) and hear our teacher talk about what semen is. Just my lucky day.

4-The guys in my class are ridiculous. Honestly, are they in kindergarten?? "Uh, Miss? What's a boner?" they ask, clearly knowing far too much about boners. When the teacher is trying her best to explain shit (as teachers do), these assholes interrupt with questions about dildos and condoms, which are hilarious to them, I guess.

During the period, I just dick around with Casey in the back. We both couldn't care less about sex ed. I'm ace (obviously) and Casey just doesn't really care.

"I'll just figure it out. But, like, I know the basics; wear a condom and check to see if they have any diseases," she whispered as a guy asked if males can use tampons.

wow it took a while for an update but here it is !!!!

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