A night that turned into more theb just a midnight stroll

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I stormed out of my house after fighting with my mom once again, I left not caring how late it was outside in the middle of winter, I zipped up my very thin sweater, shoved my hands in my pockets as I walked down the street to the park/forest, the snow was sparkling from the bright full moon shinning from high in the sky, I took a deep breath as I sat down under a big old willow tree that was bare no leaves or anything.

I leaned my head back against the old tree, just starting to feel the cold winter breeze nip at my legs, I shivered

"A bit cold are we?" a deep husky but angelic voices asked me, I looked up to see a boy with curly brown hair that shined in the moon light he had bright green eyes that glowed, his skin whiter than the snow itself, I gave him an almost fake smile as I looked deep into his eyes "Um yea kinda but I am fine thanks" I replied still mesmerized by his eyes "Mind if I join you?" he asked already starting to sit down right beside me, I nodded

"So what brings you out here at this time of night?" he asked grazing my shoulder with his, I looked down at the white snow in front of me breaking the eye contact we shared moments ago "Well...Um...I er got into a fight with my mom and I kinda just left so yea now I am here under this tree not really knowing what to do, um anyways what are you doing out here?" I asked kinda bluntly, he smirk "Well I was on my way home after I had a little snack" he said licking his lips, I nodded "I see"

"So what's your name love?" he asked trying to look into my eyes "I am Leah and you?" I asked finally looking into his eyes once again

"I'm Harry, nice to meet you" he said giving me a warming smile, I blushed a little as I saw his dimples pop out "Nice meeting you too" I retuned him a smile. A gust of winter wind started blowing again, I started to shiver, and my teeth starting to jitter.

"Are you cold?" Harry asked looking deep into my eyes, I started to blush again, I nodded "Yea just a bit" I said with a giggle "Here" Harry said taking off his jacket and draping it over my shoulders, I noticed he hesitated when his face was close to my neck that was showing as I had my hair pined up, he quickly recovered and made sure it was around me and that it was nice and snug.

"Thanks" I said looking at him but he turned his head so he was looking down at the snow just like I was earlier

"Are you ok Harry?" I asked as I looked at his face trying to find out what he was thinking, he turned to look at me his facial expression look like he was trying to fight this great hunger, but quickly snapped out of it.

"Yea I am fine but I have to leave" he said starting to stand up, I jumped up as he started walking away, well more like sprinting "Harry wait!" I shouted starting to catch up to him, he stopped I walked right up beside him, my hand grazed his; I pulled my hand away once I felt his hand and how cold his touch was.

"Harry you are freezing!" I stated as he just looked out into the distance "Well I am fine" he said not tearing away from his gaze "Are you sure?" I asked, he nodded "You better head home" Harry said still not tearing away his gaze "Why? What's going on Harry?" I asked bluntly but starting to feel scared on the inside "You really shouldn't be here, if they see you... you will won't see the light of day" he said only looking at me for a second and before I could say anything back Harry cut me off "It's too late" he breathed "Too late for what?!?!?" I asked/ shouted starting to really feel scared.

Harry just stayed quiet and stepped in front of me in a protective way, I got on my tippy toes to look over his shoulder to see what he was hiding me from, all I see is four guys walking up to us, I was so scared I gripped onto Harrys long sleeved shirt that he had on "Don't be scared just stay quiet and everything will be fine ok" he said looking over his shoulder to see what I was going to say, I was so scared I just nodded yes, he wiped his head to look at the four guys getting closer and closer.

"Hey Harry who you got there?" one of the boys asked who had a striped shirt on and had light brown hair that swept to the side "She is no one" Harry said sternly trying to pull me closer to him, I just pressed my body up against his back "If she is no one then why are you hiding her from us?" the boy with black hair and tanned skin said "Because she is my meal and I don't feel like sharing" Harry spat, wait what meal? What does he mean by meal? These were just some of the questions run through my head.

two of the boys snapped me out of my thoughts by walking up to me and Harry "Well then go ahead then we won't bug you" the blonde one said "Yea and we will hold her for you" the black haired one said grabbing my arm and pulling me close to him, it made me feel so uncomfortable, I tried to squirm out of his grip but failed, Harry whipped his body around "Let go of her, I don't need you to hold my meal Zayn!" Harry said gritting his teeth; Zayn pushed me into Harry's chest, I looked up at him starting to shake in fear of what was going to happen to me.

Harry just looked down at me, so many emotions showed on his face, I couldn't tell what he was thinking "Well go on Harry were waiting" the boy in the striped shirt said with a mischievous grin on his face, Harry looked down at me before slowly leaning forward pulling me close to him, there was no space in between us, I blushed even though I was scared for my life! "I am sorry I have to do this Leah" Harry whispered in my ear, before kissing my neck, well he found my weak spot right off the bat, I moaned, his kiss turned in to a love bite but this love bite was really painful, pain started shooting from the side of my neck where he was biting me "Har-Ha-H- Harry" I breathed just before my eyes slowly started to close, I felt him pull away "I am sorry" he whispered/ whimpered into my ear, that was the last thing I heard before completely blacking out.


Well there is the first chapter! Hope u all like and just to let you all know this is one of my first fan fic's and I did not copy this off of anyone! I do have this story on QUOTEV so it is mine I am just putting it on here for more people to read. once again I hope u all enjoyed reading it and I will post another chapter up in a few day so yea ok TTFN!

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