A new home and new people

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'Jessie’s POV’

 “humph let me think about it……um…. How about NO it is a little too late for you Harry you made your choice and it just so happens your choice is starting to lose her life” was the last thing I said before getting pounced on by Harry making me let go of the worthless human I held in my hand. I hissed as he started to scratch me and bit me, as I fought back I looked into his eye that were no longer green but bright red so vibrant and so evil I was snapped out of my thought once I heard Vanessa screamed “BOTH OF YOU STOP RIGHT NOW!” right then and there everyone was in the hallway looking at us as we clawed at each other on the floor but then I felt hands grab my off of Harry and holding me back and at the same time I saw Louis grab Harry and held him back whispering in his ear who knows what. I turned around to see it was Liam who was holding me back as Stella, Phoebe, and Niall rushed to Leah’s aid, I groaned and rolled my eyes as everyone tried to get her to speak up or at least open her eyes this made my blood boil they have only known her for a week or so but when I was hurt I had to deal with it by myself this is just bullshit these people have known me for years and they don’t even give me a second glance. The only one who ever really showed that they cared was Harry until this bitch shows up ruining my whole life! “LET GO OF ME LIAM!” I shouted struggling to get out of his hold “Yes Liam realise her but make sure she doesn’t come back” Vanessa spat glaring at me. My heart shattered as she spoke those words, Liam let me go and I dropped down on the floor “Jessie I want you to leave and never come back, I was wrong about you! Your nothing but a killer and that is all you will ever be!” she yelled and slapped my face. I flew my hand to my cheek as it started to sting “FINE YOU KNOW WHAT I DON’T NEED ANY OF YOU! YOU ALL ONLY CARE ABOUT YOURSELFS! FUCK YOU ALL!” I shouted jumping off of the ground and sprinting to the door. I don’t need them I never needed them they were just holding me back! These were the thoughts running through my mind as I started to fly limply since I only had one wing. Tears ran down my face as I flew through the sky but then I suddenly fell, my wing starting to hurt and it snapped as I fell to the ground. I ended up in an old shack the roof now broken because of me falling, I tried to get up but my wing was in too much pain. I just sat there crying my eyes out in pain until I felt a hand on my shoulder “Why hello what do we have here?” a woman spoke from behind me “LEAVE ME ALONE!” I yelled “Oh dear I am not here to hurt you I just want to know why you are crying darling” her voice smooth and calm. I looked up to see a woman who was wearing a cape with a hood hiding most of her face, she smiled at the site of my face “Who are you?” I asked “Why I am Eve my child and may I ask whom you are?” she asked sitting down in front of me “I- I’m Jessie” I stuttered as she giggled “Well it is a pleasure to meet you Jessie so may I ask why are you here and why are you crying love?” she asked pushing some hair out of my face “Well my wing was broken off because of what I did to a human girl and my friends then kicked me out of my home and told me I am nothing but a killer and that I will always be a killer and so now I am here with no one all broken with no one to help me or give me comfort” I whimpered as more tears fell down my cheeks. Eve looked at and smiled sadly as she whipped my tears away “Awe love I am here for you” she said draping her long cape over my shoulders and she pulled me into her side holding me like a mother would “It sounds like those people were not your friends, you know if you want my family would gladly bring you into our home” she said rubbing my back comfortably “Really you would do that for me?” I asked, she nodded “What of course lovely, you need a home and I am willing to give you one and a family as well” she smiled “Thank you but I am sure my friends will come for me to tell me they were just mad” I said looking down “Oh you poor girl they were never your friends, if they were your friends they would have come for you by now and why would a friend rip off your wing if they cared for you? Admit it they all hated you they used you just so they could have power, they used you so they could toy with you, they never cared for you not even Harry” she whispered in my ear causing me to cry even more “How do you know who that is?” I asked “Well my dear I have many powers and I can see your memories and read your thoughts and I can see this Harry you adore so much does not share the same feelings” I nodded sadly “But I can help you get revenge on them all if you come live with me and my family I can give you that you desire, I can even give you your wings back to their full strength” she whispered. I gasped “You can!?!” I asked in shock “Of course dear I have more powers then god himself” she said with a smile “So if I join you I will get whatever I want?” “Yes that is what I said but you will have to listen to me understood?” she asked me, I nodded happy to hear what she had to say “I will do whatever you ask of me Eve I promise” she smiled “I so glad to hear it” she said pulling me into a warming hug one that I have longed for, for a really long time. Just as she let me out of the hug a man came into the old shake “Ah why hello Jake” Eve said with a smile, when I looked up I saw the most keen man I have ever seen in my life, he had scruffy short black hair tanned skin and eyes as blue as the sky “Wow” I breathed “Oh Jessie this is my son Jake he will be the one taking care of you when I am unable to” Eve said helping me up off the ground “Nice to meet you love” Jake said flashing me the most amazing smile I have ever seen “Right back atcha” I giggled and surprisingly he laughed which made me blush “Well alright time for us to all head home” Eve said grabbing hold of my hand as if I was I five year old but I didn’t mind I never had someone to take care of me I was born alone with no one to take care of me and I was glad I finally found people who were willing to do so “Let’s go home” Jake said to me holding my free hand causing me to blush. I nodded and then we were off flying in the sky off to my new home, I am glad I left them to finally be accepted.

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