I knew it

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LEAH'S POV. (Chapter 26)

I felt the wind brush up against my face as we ran towards the parking lot. Where the hell is he taking me? When we got to the parking lot Harry pulled towards a sleek black car, he stopped at the passenger side door, he stood there and opened the door, he let go of my hand and signaled for me to get into the seat. I slowly sat in the down in the seat and buckled myself in as he shut the door closed and got in on the other side of the car.
He started the car and took off out of the parking lot. "Where exactly are we going?" I asked looking over at him while he focused on the road. And all he said back was "Why we're going to wonderland, my dear Alice" he smirked and all I could imagine was that Cheshire cat grin.

As we drove to 'wonderland' no words were shared it was completely silent all I did was just stare out the car window as Harry drove. I was starting to feel my eyelids getting heavy so I slowly started to close my eyes and started to douse off into a deep sleep.

"Alice.... Hey come on get up.... Come on Alice we're almost there to wonderland" I felt someone nudge me, I groaned "No mom five more minutes..." I mumbled I heard a chuckle "Awe come on I don't sound like a woman" I felt them nudge me again, I tried to push them away but they barely even budged... "Come on Alice it's time to go to wonderland!" ... who the hell is Alice? Cause I sure as hell am not Alice. Since I was so tired I mumbled back "wrong number" the person laughed again "Well I guess the only way to wake up sleeping beauty is by bestowing her with a kiss..." um what? Who the hell is this person and why the hell they think they can come up in my grill uninvited! Before I could even protest I felt the person's lips on my own and they felt so familiar... the persons sent took over my sense of smell. I kissed them back and after our lips locked for a few seconds they pulled away, I open my eyes to find a grin Harry, and this made me roll my eyes at him.

"Well finally I thought I would never get you up" shaking my head I pressed my hand on his shoulder and shoved it playfully "And the only way you thought would work was to kiss me awake?" he laughed "Yeah ok sure it totally was my first option it's not like I was shaking you for the past five minutes before you would even respond!"
"PFFT yeah right" I waved him off and got out of the car, Harry followed behind. My eyes searched the area looking at everything around me, it took me a while but once my eyes were captured by an old willow tree sitting on a little hill, I knew where I was, this is the place I first met Harry. I looked over my shoulder to see his smiling at me, I turn to face him before I asked: "How do you know about this place?" I only asked this because he must not remember all the stuff that's happened, I mean like Phoebe didn't and my mom is acting differently.

"Um well I always used to come here to think or like if I just needed some fresh air and when I did I would see this girl sitting over there at that tree" he pointed towards my willow tree, I smiled a little as he continued "Yeah know every time I saw her, I wanted to talk to her but I either got too scared too or she would just look so distant from the rest of the world that I didn't want to intrude on her world..." wow I wonder who he is talking about she sounds interesting but also very lonely.... "Well, I hope that one day you will get to talk to her."

Harry just looked at me like he wanted to say something but he was holding it in. "Yeah I hope that one day I'll talk to her too" he gave me a light smile but it seemed off like he was still hiding something. "Hey, let's go sit at the tree" I pointed towards the willow tree, he nodded his head and took ahold of my hand and lead me towards the tree.

Once we got to the tree I sat where I usually sit when I'm under this tree, I looked up to look at the beautiful vines on the tree and I started to smile when I saw two squirrels playing on the branches of the tree. "hmmph" I look over at Harry with a questioning look as to why he made that noise "What is it?" I asked "it's nothing.... Really" he trailed off "Yea ok and I'm actually an old lady... now tell me what's on your mind?" he chuckled when I said I was an old lady and laughed with him before he answered me back.

"Well ok when I was talking about the girl who sat at this tree, I was talking about you... and now that I finally got to talk to you and be as close as I am to you sitting under this tree something seems different.... Like you changed as your own world has changed. You don't seem..." "Lonely" I finished. "Yeah... Lonely" I smiled sadly because no matter how much I wished this was all fake it's not... if only he knew that he was the one who made me feel wanted and that made me not alone. But he will never know because he doesn't remember anything. So I told a lie.

"Yea I realized that I need a change and so I decided that I was going to be different and see things in a more positive aspect" "Ok I'm just gonna stop you there cause I know your lying" I hung my mouth open. "Yea that's right now why don't you tell me the actual reason"

"Ok fine I um... met someone and he made me feel so loved and wanted that I didn't feel alone anymore...well until.."
"Until what?" he asked, I felt tears starting to form "Until he forgot everything... even the day we met.... And talking to him now is like meet him all over again but I still carry the memories that can't be remade and I'm just stuck with them... I wish I could forget or at least wish it was just a fantasy but that can't and won't happen" a tear started to fall down my cheek but before it could trail its way down my face, Harry whipped it away with his thumb.

He placed his hand on the side of my face and turned my head towards him. Before I knew it I had his lips pressed to mine in a lingering kiss, more tears started to fall even a little whimper escaped my lips and once it did he pressed his lips harder on to mine as he placed his other hand on my waist. Right before we pulled away he gave my waist a little squeeze, our eyes locked together and as I looked his eyes seemed a bit brighter like almost blue... no wait these eyes are blue I scanned the rest of his face and I gasped.

His smile was sinister, his eyes cold and stare piercing "Who are you..." I whispered worried etched on my face, the guy chuckled "I'm your worst nightmare" my eyes widened... what is going on? I kept looking at him with wide eyes, frozen in fear. His eyes were so intense and fearful that I couldn't help but have chills go down my spine. I was so trapped in this guy's gaze that I didn't even notice the other people in the room until they spoke.
"Awe look at her.... So afraid that she can't even move... and you can't even help her"

Jessie? I look over and see Jessie standing there with a few others but the one person that stood out for me was the guy tied up on the ground, Jessie was resting her leather booted foot on his back. The guy tried to look up but he seemed so weak that it was hard for him to just lift up his head.

He grunted as he finally was able to look in my direction, his eyes looked pained and sad. Harry... our eye locked and it was painful to see him like that. How long has he been here, watching this fake life that I thought was real... "Awe such a crappy way to reunite with your lover huh Harry... ha seeing the pain on your face while she was kissing another guy was priceless and when she finds out it's not even you... oh god, it was perfect." Jessie giggled.

I couldn't take my gaze off of Harry, as Jessie spoke Harry's facile features change from sad to angry in a matter of seconds. He started to thrash around to try and get loose but Jessie just dug her heel into his back causing him to groan in pain. I didn't move from my spot because I knew if I even tried I wouldn't get far.

"Harry I'm so sorry... I didn't know" my voice was scratchy as I spoke. I watched Harry's pained expression as I told him I was sorry, Jessie started to clap her hands "Oh bravo! Leah, you are such a sweetheart but it's kinda sad that you couldn't even tell that Jake over there wasn't your beloved Harry..." tears streamed down my face, I didn't know what to do, and I don't even know what to think anymore. "Crying will get you nowhere... Jake take her away... She will want to see her."

The guy known as Jake groaned in dismay and grabbed me by my arm, pulling me up to have me on my feet "Let's go you worthless human" "No let me go please...." I cried out as I tried to get out of his grasp. "It's cute when you struggle" he got close and whispered in my ear but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. Harry's eye's darkened and he started thrashed around even harder, Jessie laughed and dug her heel farther into his back. Harry screamed out in pain and then dropped his head in defeat.

Before I was dragged out of the room I said one last thing to Harry because I didn't know if this was gonna be the last time I would see him... no what am I saying I will see him again! No one is gonna stop me from being with him again. After this, we are going to be happy together for as long as we are meant to be together, even if it is only for a second that second will be the most treasured moment in my life.

"Harry don't give up.... I believe in you... I love you"

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