Chapter twelve

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Liz's POV

The next day, I was exploring by myself. I stumbled across Pierce The Veil performing on the main stage. I decided to watch from the crowd since they only had a few minutes left. After that, I went backstage to meet them.

I ran into Vic while he was removing his earpiece.

"Hi! I'm Liz, nice to meet you!" I said, holding out a hand. He took it and introduced himself.

"I saw you yesterday with Black Veil Brides, you were awesome! Well done on saving that guy by the way"

"Thanks! Anyway, I was just on my way to get some coffee, you want to come?"

"Um, sure! Let's go. Mind if I bring the others?"

"Not at all! That would be awesome!"

Vic rang Mike, Tony and Jaime and we all met for coffee at a stall near the Rock stage.

"So, are you performing again today?" I asked.

"Yeah, post hardcore stage in two hours, what about you?" Said Mike.

"Yeah, we're performing in an hour, then on the main stage tonight"

"Nice, We'll be there" Jaime replied. I smiled at him and took a sip of my coffee.

Forty five minutes later, I had exchanged phone numbers with Pierce The Veil and I was on my way back to the bus.

I walked in to see Ashley, lying on the sofa, looking embarrassed.

"What happened here?" I asked as an enraged Andy came storming out of the bathroom.

"Ashley has broken his wrist. We can't get him to a hospital because we need to get onstage" Andy said through clenched teeth.

"You forget I know how to bind broken bones. Get me an old shirt and some bandages, along with a long stick"

Andy got them all and five minutes later, Ashley had a bound wrist. Me and the boys sprinted off the rock stage and we sorted out our headsets and instruments.

We ran on stage and played knives and pens.

"Right. So, you may be wondering where Ashley is. Well, the idiot fell in a ditch and broke his wrist so I am playing bass for him. Bare with me, I'm not as good as him" I laughed after the song had finished.

The show went seamlessly and I went off stage and waited for Pierce The Veil to play. Ashley was sat next to me in the field with a pint of cider in his good hand.

"Y'know, Andy is really pissed off with you" I said quietly.

"Yeah, I know. There isn't much I can do about it though. You really saved me earlier, sorting out my wrist then playing perfectly on stage. Thanks"

"It's nothing, you'd do the same thing"

"I've done a really crappy job of being there for you, Frank reminded me of that" Ashley said a few minutes later.

"No, you haven't. You've got Xavi anyway. He isn't any better to be honest"

"Hmm. Andy wants to break up the band"

"WHAT?! He can't do that! We are a family!" I yelled.

"I know, I keep saying that. He thinks it isn't good for you and Xavi to be constantly moving around. This festival, you broke five ribs and your nose, I've cracked my wrist, it's only a matter of time before someone gets seriously injured"

"That's bullshit. We would get injured either way. He is just not thinking straight"

"I'm inclined to agree with him, actually. Maybe we should call it a day. We've had a good run but now we've got a family and it isn't safe"

"That's a load of crap and you know it. The band is my family. Blood means nothing to me. You are just as much my brothers as Josh. As is Tyler. All of My Chemical Romance are my uncles and there's no changing that. Break up the band and I am loosing a load of family members, as is Xavi. If you leave, the others will stay and keep going. As will I"

"I know. I see that. Maybe it's for the best though"

"Never. I'm going to find the others" I said, standing up and storming to the cider queue to find CC, Jake and Jinxx waiting in line.

"Andy and Ash want to break up the band" I said.

"What? They can't do that! We are a family!" Jake exclaimed.

"I know! That's what I said. They said it isn't safe"

"That's absolute bullshit. We need to talk to them. Get Ashley, we're going to the bus" said Jinxx, grabbing CC and Jake's wrists and dragging them to the bus. I got Ashley and we all met Inside.

"We are not breaking up the band. If you want to leave, fine. But me and the others are staying" Jake shouted, addressing Ashley and Andy.

"It isn't safe. We have a family now and they are in danger. Liz has five broken ribs and a broken nose, Ash broke his wrist. What next?" Andy argued.

Uproar broke out with screaming and shouting. Then, Jinxx picked up a glass and threw it. I noticed and grabbed Xavi, carrying her to safety.

I knocked on Fall Out Boy's bus to no avail.

'Of course. They are playing now'

I walked into the festival and ran to the rock stage, Xavi perched on my hip.

The boys finished playing and came off stage, sweaty and exhilarated.

"Guys. I need some help" I said, catching their attention. "Andy and Ashley want to break up the band. They're in a huge fight at the bus and they're throwing glasses and stuff. I grabbed Xavi and ran to you"

"Alright. What do you want us to do?" Andy Hurley asked.

"Could you watch Xavi while I get back there and try to sort it out?"

"Sure thing!" Patrick said, taking Xavier out of my arms.

"Good luck!" Pete called after me as I sprinted back to the bus.

I opened the door to see smashed glass and blood everywhere. Andy was laying on the floor unconsciously while Ashley sat next to him, crying. CC was rocking back and forth in the corner while Jake tried to comfort him and Jinxx was pulling shards of glass out of his hands and arms.

"Jesus Christ, what happened here?" I asked.

"Well, I threw a glass then everyone else joined in, then we started punching and kicking each other and CC knocked Andy out" Jinxx explained, making CC whimper from the corner.

"Um, CC is having a panic attack, lemme help him" I said, walking over to him.

I pulled CC into a hug and rubbed circles into his back, trying to comfort him.

He came out of the panic attack and started to sob into my shoulder.

"W-what have I do-done? It's all my fault" he cried.

"Hey, it isn't your fault. I'll go and sort him out, you stay here and get the glass out of your hands" I said, giving jake a pair of tweezers.

I stood up and walked over to Andy.

"ANDY! THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE! XAVIER IS TRAPPED" I screamed before slapping him about the face.

Andy shot up and looked around at the carnage.

"How did you do that?" Ashley asked me through tears.

"Primal instinct. If your kid is in trouble, you do what you can to save them. He was about to wake up anyway"

"Where's Xavier?" Demanded Andy.

"She is with Fall Out Boy since you irresponsible bastards started chucking glass around and she was in danger"

"You see? This is why we should break up!" Andy shouted.

"Actually, this had nothing to do with the tour. This was you arguing over something stupid"

The others were quiet in shame over the stupid fight that had put everyone in danger.

I stood up and slipped on the glass and blood on the floor, landing in some glass and slicing open my hands.

Eyeliner and war paint (adopted by black veil brides)Where stories live. Discover now