chapter 1

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My name is Rosalinn Gomez, I am 17 years old, 5 feet and 3 inches tall, I have long lightish brown hair and i have light almost clear grey blueish eyes. I don't go to school and i don't live a normal life. I work 18 hours a day 7 days a week at a small coffee shop that is down the street from mine and my dads old run down apartment. You could say my life sucks and well it does it sucks very much. It wasn't always this way though. I sometimes I get flash backs to when i was 5 years old, back when i had a happy and normal life. My mom and dad used to run a big 'business' well that's what they called it, they never told me what it was about. But whatever it was it must have been pretty important if people where willing to kill me and my parents just to get their hands on their 'business'. Everything changed the day my mom was diagnosed with a brain tumor, I was only 6 years old. She passed away a year later. The doctors told us she came too late and that the tumor was pretty advanced. They said they could remove it but there was no guarantee it would go away. After the operation the doctors told us they tried their best but the tumor had spread through her body and it was quickly consuming her. My dad was always that type of person to keep his emotions bottled up. I remember the day the doctors had to unplug my mom, I was crying my eyes out while my dad just had a straight face his emotions unreadable. After her funeral my dad was never the same, he got into alcohol and drugs. He also developed a gambling problem and lost his 'business'. Then he got us kicked out of our house luckily we were taken in by my moms sister. We lived with her until three years ago when my dad tried to rape her one night, he came back drunk and half drugged. My aunt kicked him out but offered to let me stay, i felt bad leaving him by himself so i nicely declined her offer but before i left my aunt gave me some money so we could rent a small apartment which is where we currently lived. Finding a job is hard when you have only an 8th grade education but luckily you didn't need much of a brain to wash dishes and clean tables which is what i currently do at the little cafe i work at. I just hope things go back to the way they were and i could have a normal life.
~~~~~~~~~chapter 1: who are you and how do you know my name?~~~~~~~

'BEEP' 'BEEP' 'BEEP' I wake up to the screams of my alarm that read the usual time '5:30am'. I quickly turn it off and swing my feet to the side of my bed and head towards the bathroom that was across from my bedroom door. I do my morning duties and go back to my room to get read for work. I put on my uniform that consists of black skinny jeans, a black polo shirt,my black vans and a blue apron. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and i was done. Its funny cuz a lot of ladies that walk into the cafe always ask me what foundation i wear because according to them my skin looks 'flawless'. I love seeing their expressions of jealousy when i tell them i don't wear make up mostly because i can't afford it. I make my way to my dads room to see if he even came home last night and to my surprise he did. There he was the 42 year old man passed out drunk on the floor. He looked way older than what he actually was because of all the drinking and the drugs. I couldn't bare to see him this way I walked towards him and shook him gently to try and wake him up but he was out cold. I let out a stressful sigh and try to pick him up, he weighed about the same maybe a bit more than me mostly because he rarely ate and when he did it was mostly just an apple or a piece of toast. I tucked him in and kissed his forehead. Closing the door gently so i wouldn't wake him up I made my way towards the tiny kitchen with an old rust gas stove and a small old rusty fridge. I grab a granola bar from one of the old cabinets and a water bottle from the fridge. I grab my old purse my aunt gave me for my birthday two years ago put my granola bar , water bottle, wallet, keys and flip phone and make my way out my front door. The cafe was only 15 minutes away so i decide to walk plus its a beautiful day today. dark windy days are my favorite kind of days I don't know why they are just really calming to me. As i make my way to the cafe I can't help but feel like I'm being watched. Right when i turn the corner I see a white van slowly approach me, I speed up my pace to the point where i'm practically running. I finally reach the small cafe and i run inside "hey rose!" my coworker/friend angela says "good morning" I say giving her a small smile. I go to the workers closet and put my bag on the floor and grab my pen a note pad. When i walk out there's an old man sitting at one of the tables waving me over I take a deep breath and put a small fake smile on my face like usual. "good morning sir how may i help you" i said still with a small fake smile "I'll have a plain black coffee no sugar or cream" he said with his hoarse scratchy old voice "alright, anything else?" i ask writing down his order "and a whole wheat muffin" he says handing me the menu back. "coming right up sir" i say walking away towards the kitchen window.

~~small time skip~~

Today was a busy day more than usual at least. I couldn't help but notice the old man was still there it was starting to creep me out. All he did was sit there and read the news paper once in a while i would catch him watching me. It was 5 minutes before closing time angela went over to the mans table and told him he had to leave because we were closing soon. She apologized and he left leaving behind a $100 tip! I was so happy, today has been a good day. "Hey i have to leave the babysitter called and baby jack is having some tummy problems, can you close up for me?" "yea sure" i said giving her a real smile. "thank you so much! good night rose" she said as she walked towards the door "goodnight angela" i say picking up the plates from some tables. After I'm done washing the dishes i turn off all the lights and make my way outside I lock the store doors and pull down the barbed wire fence thingy. as i start to walk i spot the white van that was following me earlier parked in front of the little park across the street. I start walking faster towards my apartment until i noticed the van was gone a huge wave of relief washed over my body. but i spoke too soon once i turned the corner i crashed into something hard. I took a step back and saw one of the men from earlier I started internally panicking. I tried running past him but he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into the white van. I kicked and screamed but no one heard me. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE SLUT!!" he barked at me and slapped my face with all his strength and before i knew it i blacked out. I woke up in a strange dark room it had dark red velvet curtains hanging from the big window.I was tied up to a small but comfy chair that was in front of a big desk. There was a book shelf with binders labled 'new arrivals' 'appointments' and 'weekly customers'. they were really thick binders too. I saw a picture framed on the wall behind the desk. My eyes widen when i realized who was in that picture. THATS MY MOM AND DAD!!!! i think to myself. I read the bottom of the picture and it says " The Gomez & Walker Doll House" My heart sank. NO!! THIS CANT BE TRUE!! NO!! MY PARENTS DID NOT OWN A WHORE HOUSE!!! "well well look who's awake" I hear a deep hoarse voice say I tur around and see the old man from earlier. "why hello there Rosalinn" he continues. "where the fuck am i? who the fuck are you and how do you know my fucking name?" I ask through gritted teeth. I was mad right now! NO! i was beyond mad i was PISSED!!! "Now Now little girls like you shouldn't have such dirty mouths" he said grinning. "Who are you?" i asked again "Me? oh im just an old friend my names angelo... Angelo Walker" he says. Angelo Walker that name sounded so familiar.

~~~~~~~Chapter 1 COMPLETE!!~~~~~~~

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