Chapter 2

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"Oh come on sweetheart don't tell me you forgot about dear old uncle Angelo" he said with a big grin on his disgusting face. all of a sudden the memories of that night came back to me.
*Flash back*
That night my dad was working late, me and my mom were in the kitchen when we heard knocks on our door. It was maybe 12:00am or 1:00am. "Who could that be at this time of night" my mom said while she walked towards the door. "Go sit on the couch and wait for mommy ok?" "Yes mommy" I said with my small voice. She carried me towards the living room and sat me on the couch. Soon the knocks turned into bangs, I was terrified I could tell my mom was uneasy too. "Who is it?!" I hear my mom shout as she stands in front of the door looking out the peep hole. " it's me Angelo!" A deep raspy voice yells back. My mom quickly opened the door and said "Jesus Angelo I thought you were a robber or something, I was about to call the police". "No need for that doll" he said in a slurred voice he grabbed her chin with his index finger and thumb. "A-are you drunk angelo?" My mother said pushing his hand away. "Maybe" he said smirking at her. "I think you should go" she said walking back towards the front door. "I don't think so doll" the man said shutting the door closed. He grabbed my mom by the shoulders and smashed his lips on hers. My mother was squirming trying to free herself from his grip, but it only seemed to get tighter. "Angelo let me go!!" My mother screamed. "Shut The Fuck Up You Fuckin Skank!!" He screamed slapping my mother across the face leaving a hand print on her cheek. "Mommy no!" I screamed running towards the man with a fork stabbing it into his leg. "Ahhh!! you little bitch you'll pay for that!" He screamed as he pulled the fork out. He grabbed me by my shoulders and slapped me. "No! Let her go! Don't you fukin touch my daughter you bastard!" I heard my mom yell as she snatched me away from him. She ran upstairs with me in her arms. She ran into my room and put me in my bed with my favorite stuffed animal. "sweetie I want you to stay in your room and be quiet like a good girl, if anything happens to me and he starts banging on your door I want you to get this phone and dial 911 ok? Can you handle that honey?" She asked looking into my eyes placing the small flip phone in my small hands. "Yes mommy" I said with my small 6 year old voice. "be my brave little girl ok? mommy loves you" she said kissing my forehead. We heard loud foot steps come up the stairs. My mom rushed out of my room and locked the door. I was so terrified I had no idea what was going on all I heard were thumps and screams. After about an hour or so everything went quiet, all the screams and thumps were gone. All of a sudden I heard loud foot steps come towards my door. The man began pounding on my door. I could feel my heart rate speed up. 'Remember what mommy said!' I thought to myself. I opened the flip phone and dialed the numbers my mom told me to. "911 what's your emergency?" I heard a lady's voice say "hello, I need help! My mommy told me to call you if anything bad happens, I'm scared there's a scary man in my house and he's hitting my door please please help me" I said sobbing into the phone. "Alright sweetie there are some police officers on the way I just need you to stay calm and tell me where you and your mommy are"
"I'm in my room upstairs but I don't know where my mommy is please hurry I'm really scared" I sobbed louder.
The man began to pound harder and harder on the door. I screamed and hid under my bed with my stuffed turtle. "Hello? Sweetie are you there?! Hello? Are you ok?" I hear the lady on the phone say. "Yes I'm still here but the man is hitting my door harder! He's going to break it and get me!! Please hurry!!" I screamed into the phone. "Don't worry honey the officers should be there any minute now" she said in a reassuring voice. All of a sudden I here police sirens outside. I run to my window and open it "Help! Help me!" I yell at the top of my lungs. One of the officers looks up and runs to the front door. I heard then kick it down and run up the stairs. "Freeze! Don't move! Put your weapon down now!" I heard a strange voice say. I hear my room door unlock and I run to hide under my bed. "Hello anyone in here? Its the police Im not here to hurt you" the man says walking to the bed. I slowly crawl out and look up at him. "Where's my mommy?" I ask in a shaky voice. "Your mommy is on the way to the hospital she'll be fine she just has a few injuries, I called your daddy he'll be here soon" the man said carrying me down stairs.
*End Of Flashback*
"You! Your the one who raped and almost killed my mother! Knowing she had cancer!! You had no mercy on her!!! You fuckin bastard!" I screamed. "Ah I see you remember now" he said with a smirk. "Well rosie I would love to stay and chat a little longer but I have a business to run and very important things to do" he said walking towards the door. "Don't fukin call me that!!" I spat at him not giving a shit if he got mad or not. "Oh my dear I can call you whatever the fuck I want! You're my property now!" He said grabbing my face making me stare into his dark almost black eyes. I jerk my head away from his grasp and look down. "Now you better fix that damn attitude because I will not tolerate it!" He said " make me" I said rolling my eyes at him. Smack!
He slapped me across the face almost knocking me off the chair. "That's just a warning next time it'll be worse, Zayn! Harry! Come get this bitch and take her to Dr.Horan" he said and stormed out.I squirmed in the chair trying to free myself but it was no use. How the hell am I going to get out of here!?? I thought to myself. A quiet sob escaped my mouth. No! I can't show weakness! Especially not now! I have to be strong just like mom. Two tall men walked in. One of them was wearing black button down shirt with black skinny jeans , black dress shoes and a black blazer he had longish curly hair and emerald green eyes and wore lots of rings. The other had his hair in a black quiff and was wearing the exact same thing. geez what is it with these guys and the color black? They untie me and take me down stairs towards a room labeled
'the Check up room'
"Niall!? Are you here?" The man with the curly hair said pushing my into the room. "Yea I'm in the back" I heard another voice answer. "We have a new slut" the man with the black quiff said. "I'll be right out just gimme a sec" the man I suspect is Niall said. After about three minutes a tallish man came out from the back he wore some dark blue scrubs. Like zayn he also wore a quiff but his was blonde. "Well aren't you a cutie" he said giving me a small wink. I just move my head down and cover my face with my hair. "Alright guys thank you for bringing her I'll take care of her from here" Dr.horan said " sorry Horan can't do that the boss said we have to stay with her at all times just Incase she tries to escape" Harry said grabbing my arm harshly. "Can you guys at least wait outside or something?" Dr.horan asked putting on some clean gloves. "I guess" zayn shrugged. Harry pulled me by my arm and looked Into my eyes "no funny business now sweetheart, we'll be right outside" he said then shoving me towards the check up chair that was in the middle of the room. "don't worry sweetie I won't hurt you, I'm just going to give you a check up and i'm going to have to touch you ok?" Dr.Horan said gesturing me towards the chair. "Ok but no funny business right?" I asked him getting on the chair. "of course not sweetie" he said

~~~~~30mins later~~~~~~~

30 minutes later he was done doing whatever he was doing. It felt weird when he was feeling around 'down there' but at the same time it was strangely arousing. "Alright miss Rosie we're all done here" Niall said taking his gloves off and walking to his clipboard. I pulled my skinny jeans on and got off the chair. I heard the door behind me slam. "So how is IT ? will i be able to sell IT?" Angelo said walking towards me. Niall clears his throat and says " well sir i have some good news and some bad news"

" Well Spit it OUT!!" Angelo said in a threatening voice. " well the good news is she is a virgin so she is worth a lot of money, The bad news is I suspect that when those bone head men of yours got her they grabbed her too hard and now she has huge bruises on her arms, one on her abdomen, two on her back , and one on her thigh." Niall said flipping the page of the clipboard. "those idiots! now I'm going to have to wait at least two weeks until I can sell it!" Ok this guy is starting to piss me off! First of all I am not a fucking object! Second who the fuck does this fucker think he is selling me?!?!?!?! "Don't worry sir, in fact here get someone to put this on her bruises it'll help them heal quicker." Niall said handing Angelo a jar of something that looked like patroleum jelly. "Harry! Zayn! get your sorry arses in here! NOW!" Angelo yelled "Yes Sir?" harry asked "Take this whore to Louis and tell him to put this shit on it" Angelo said handing harry the jar.

"Yes Sir, Right Away Sir" Harry said grabbing me by my arm. I winced in pain because of the bruises. The two tall men lead me through the halls that were filled with moans and head boards hitting the walls and some names being screamed once in a while. It was really awkward. Then we got to the door at the end of the hall with a Tag that read 'Louis Tomlinson' in hot pink glitter letters. Zayn knocked on the door and said " louie mate!? you in there?" after a few seconds later a tallish slim man opened the door. "ugh what the hell do you want zayn?" whom i assume is Louis said . "We have a new whore" Harry said pushing me towards the door. I whimpered as I fell on my knees right in front of Louis. "Harry! Didn't your Mother ever show you any manners?! This is no way to treat a lady!" Louis said squating down to help me up. "Ha Louis please this bitch is not a fuckin lady she's a whore and nothing more!" Harry spat at Louis. "Shut the fuck up harry you wouldn't recognize a lady even if she was standing right in front of you sucking your dick" Louis spat back he was kinda bad at his come backs but I was glad he was trying to defend me somehow. "Whatever mate I'm not gonna waste my time and breath on you, just clean that skank up Mr. Angelo wants her ready for tonight" harry said turning around to leave. "How are you guys gunna sell her in this condition?" Louis said to zayn while looking at the bruises on my face and arms. "Oh he's not selling her tonight she's just going to be a waitress for the gentlemen , so you just need to put some make up on her bruises, oh and here put this on her afterwards its for the bruises n stuff" said zayn tossing the jar at Louis. "Alrighty then that make my job easier" Louis said. This is a horrible time to notice this but the atmosphere around zayn and Louis is really flirty. You can especially feel the sexual tension between them. I shook the thought and thought about more important things: like how the hell I'm gonna get the hell outa here!! "Well see you around Lou" zayn said sending a small wink towards Louis. "Sure thing hot stuff" Louis said blowing a kiss at zayn. "Alright well come on sweetie we have a lot to do!" Louis said cheerfully. He pulled me towards a huge head to toe mirror that was on the wall. I stood there looking at myself 'ugh I look like shit!' I thought. My hair was messy, my clothes and shoes dirty and some of my make up was smudged. "OK honey you can sit right over there" Louis said pointing at a fashion styling chair in front of the mirror. I walked over to it and sat down I kept my gaze on my hands and/or shoes because I didn't want to look at my ugly reflection any longer. 'Dear lord how am I going to escape this place?' Is all I kept thinking.

Chapter 2 done 💙 thank you for reading I appreciate it💯 please comment what you think💙💙 oh and don't forget to vote😘 ~Pattycakes😋

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