Chapter 2

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<<Mr. England above>>

I walk into class, and take a seat in the back row, Blake sits to my right and Jen to my left, and we just talk for a few minutes until I hear the bell. I start taking my binder out while I hear the teacher start introducing himself, but I can't seem to find my pen, so I check all the pockets of my backpack.

"Ugh!!, I can't find my pen??"

"Hello, class my name is Mr. England and welcome to Pre-Calculus!, I am new to-

Something doesn't feel right..... the class is silent all of a sudden and I look up to find the teacher and every student staring at me?

"What" I muttered as I looked at everyone 

"Errr-um- as I was saying I am new to this campus, so it will take me a few weeks to adjust, I am going to take role so say here as I call your name"

I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned to see Blake with a weird look

"Does he know you or something?"

"No, I've never seen him before in my life"





"Here!" I raised my hand, and he just took a long look at me, like he just took a photo with his eyes

"Hmm, Aria.." he whispered.

"So for the rest of class I just want you to read this syllabus I pass out and start working on the examples"

I was just talking and working on my syllabus but I couldn't help but notice Mr. England staring at me and biting his lip the whole time, and he kept shifting in his seat like he was uncomfortable or something...umm ok? 



"Alright see you Wednesday class!"

I gather my things and start to walk out of class behind my friends, when I here my name being called out 

"Ms. Jayce, could I speak with you for a moment?"

"Sure, hey I'll meet with you guys later"


The door closes and I'm left all alone with him, don't get me wrong he is very, and I mean very handsome, but something about him is just creepy, like killer creepy.

"I just wanted to say that I look forward to helping you this year with your...math" He had a sparkle in his eyes 

"Oh, me too, anyways I should get going, I don't wanna be late to my next class" He put his arm on the small of my back and started walking with me to the door. 

"Of course, see you soon little one" He smirked

"Um, bye"


I was walking home with Blake and we were just talking and laughing the way home, but I had this really bad feeling, like someone was watching me this whole time and I was freaking out on the inside, but I didn't wanna worry him so I just acted like nothing was wrong....

My Teacher's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now