Chapter 1

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I turned the alarm clock off and stayed in bed, ugh I don't want to go to school. Today is the first day of my last year at Rose Valley. I honestly just want this year to be over as soon as possible so I can go to college and out of this boring small city. I got up and as a I felt the cool wooden flooring hit my feet I already felt more awake. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, did my business, and brushed my short bangs to the right and left my beach wavy hair down and started to get dressed. I wore a white laced long sleeve, black jeans and short black furry boots as I saw it was chilly out today. When I got my bag together, I went downstairs to be greeted my older brother Brad who goes to Covington University (A/N idk if that's real lol) but since it's close to where we live he still lives here. Plus I would be super lonely if he left since my parents are going to be gone until the summer, because their CEO makes them come with him to every meeting, it sucks cause that means I barely see them. 

"Hey sis! are you excited for your senior year?"

"I guess what about you?, its your second year of college.", I say as I get the cereal from the pantry and the milk from the fridge and pour some milk and eat my cereal at the dinner table. We have a huge house since both my parents have great jobs but what's the point when they aren't even here to enjoy it? 

"Yeah, college is way better trust me, and senior year is the most fun so you'll have a fun year promise." I just shrug my shoulders as he sits down and eats his eggs and bacon with me then I kiss him on the cheek and say goodbye as I leave to walk to school.

"Bye love you"  

I walk to school since I'm waiting until I'm 18 to get my license and car, and eventually get to the huge doors of the school and walk to the front office to get my timetable, then walk to my locker to put my books and folders in, when I see my group of friends approach me. 

"Hey Aria how was your summer?!" Jen says standing super close to Alex and Blake smiling at me next to him. 

"It was good! I went surfing a lot since I was at the beach like every day hahaha how was Catalina?" I replied 

"Good! I meet soooo many hot guys in Catalina I even got some of their numbers, so I could hook you up too!" she said as her eyes grew wider with excitement, although I noticed after she said that, Blake looked down with a slightly sad look on his face, hmmm.

Annnyways, let me see all of your timetables!, Alex said 

My schedule said,

1. Pre-Calculus- Mr. England   Room 203

2. English 4- Mrs. Thompson   Room 901

3. Economics- Mr. Moore          Room 304

4. Gym- Mrs. Smith                     Gymnasium 

"We all have 1st period together!!" Alex said

"Hey we have 3rd and 4th period together Blake", I say 

"Yes, now we can walk together after school if you want", he says as he scratches the back of his neck nervously

"Sure!, just meet me by the front office" 

" Hey, I heard the math teacher is new, so we're probably going to have an easy year" Jen says as the bell rings and I shut my locker and we all walk to room 203 for math. 

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