Entry #16

8 1 0

Okay.. soo.. it's raining like crazy where I am.. and I'm scared.. ans idk what to do..

And I scared..

I'm hyperventilating...

I'm scared...

Damn.. i.. well.. it's not hat I hate the rain.. but, it's just, I hate it when it rains extremely hard...

Wait... can I take a video?

((The '...' represent minutes passing by))


No.. damn it.. I cant.. well.. it's raining like crazy... I'm scared.. and... I.. don't know..  just...

Okay.. umm.. question of the day.. or whatever.

What are you scared of?

Idk, that was a stupid question to ask.. but.. whatever.. I'm a try to block out the rain.. so... until next time...


P.s. I'm also scared of outer space... yeah...

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