Sometimes food can bring us all back together <3

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I finish yet another batch of cookies but I'm not sure what to do with the six other trays, five plates and three boxes full. Monica suggested I sell them there that good but no. I only cook to make myself feel better and go get my mind out of a sticky situation. I sigh placing another hot tray to cool on the range and sitting down for a second. Sometimes even cooking can get tiring especially when you've been at it since half nine that morning. I take a bite out of a chocolate-chip cookie, still warm. Okay I've been eating way to much crap food ever since you know. Monica and I don't like to mention their names. It's been two weeks, the worst two weeks of our life's I suppose. Breada walks in looking a bit amused but pissed off at the same time.

"I told you. No more baking Honey, find somewhere else for that, I have to get the dinner ready and it's not going to be easy with your mess".

"Sorry," I sigh.

"Wait, your not still in a huff and the lads are you?"

I stare at her lost for words.

"Honey get over it all ready we did it for your benefits dear."

"No! It ruined my life!" I yell tears streaming down my face.

I run out of the room before she could say anything else.


 Okay so I took her idea and am now selling all the food I baked plus more, I could do with some new shoes anyways. Ahh shoes. Jack and Cormac were singing at the baking thing. It's not like I new or anything. That's so not why I came and brought Monica for help. Nope not at all. They come on stage and Jack begins to speak.

"This is for the love of our lives".

How long will I love you

As long as stars are above you

And longer if I can

How long will I need you

As long as the seasons need to

Follow their plan

How long will I be with you

As long as the sea is bound to

Our ship on the sound

How long will I want you

As long as you want me to

And longer by far

How long will I hold you

As long as your father told you

As long as you can

How long will I give to you

As long as I live through you

For ever long you say

How long will I love you

As long as stars are above you

And longer if I may

We're all traveling through time together

Every day of our lives

All we can do is do our best

To relish this remarkable ride

I actually cried knowing that song was for us. Monica and I run up stage giving them a hug. But then I saw her. And knew shit was going down.

Author's note..

Sorry for the short chapter! Really wanted to update :)

Might finish soon like two or three more chapters hmm me dunno ha :'')

Ahh well the song they sang don't think they ever sang it but anyways it's called. How long will I love you by Ellie Goulding. Please check it out. I cry every time I hear it. It's a touching song tbqh<3

V O T E - if you liked it.

C O M ME N T - what you think or any ideas.

A D D  T O  Y O U R  L I B R A R Y - if you want to keep reading.

Oh and follow me I follow back !

P.s I love ye guys<3

Mucho love<3


1. Best friend to boyfriend A Jack and Cormac fan fic.Where stories live. Discover now