Hi ho, off to the village we go

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Sooooo, this is my new book and I'm super excited to be sharing this with you guys!

This idea just came to me last night and I got my phone and just started writing.

I hope you guys like this and feedback is always welcome.

I love interacting with people so feel free to comment and I'll 9/10 reply.

Without further ado, let's begin!

Person on the top or to the right if you are reading on your computer is Red( Rose ).


" News update: The Big Bad Wolf has taken yet another victim.  At 11:43pm last night 23 year old Mary Joanne was taking a walk when she heard a gut wrenching scream, quickly followed by a growl. She rushed over to where she heard the noises but it was too late. On the ground lay 57 year old Bethel Knight. Here's Jeff Prosh with more. To you Jeff.

Thanks, Andy. Now as you can see-".

With a sigh I switch off the television and lean back on the kitchen counter, munching on my toast.

Every night now for the past 2 decades or so someone has been killed by the notorious Big Bad Wolf.

No one knows who he is, but rumour has it that it's one of our very own. I don't know about you but-

"RED" a voice yells, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Rolling my eyes I quickly finish my toast and answer,

"YES GRANNY" I yell back. I wait, but there's no reply.

"YES GRANNY", I try again, this time louder.

"Jheez no need to yell I'm right here! "
Granny says jokingly while seating herself down at the table  and picking up today's paper to read.

I take this time to get a good, hard look at my Granny.

She's 65 years old but still rocking it in the looks department, with her long and shiny grey hair, clashing with her pale blue eyes, she's definitely a stunner.

Also looking nothing like me with my brown almost black eyes, and my naturally curly hair which I inherited from my mom ( she was black, my dad was white ). To bad they're dead... well actually they were killed by the wolf, so my Granny raises me now.

My real name is Rose Rider but my Granny calls me Red, and no, I don't wear a hood. I've heard way to much jokes to last me a lifetime about that.

The reason why she calls me Red is because my hair is dyed a shocking bright red, hence my name.

Anyways, I clear my throat as I look at Granny, hoping to gain her attention. She looks at me expectedly, already knowing what I'm going to say.

" So Granny, I notice that we are out of some essential food items, so I was wondering if-"


"But whyyyy Granny? I'm 17 and has almost never left the house ! I don't even know what our front yard looks like!!!" I whine, hoping that maybe I still have a chance to convince her.

"Please Granny, I can quickly go to the store in less than 20 minutes and get what we need ! I swear I'll come straight-"


"Now Red, I know you want to leave and explore but it's just not safe out there and I don't feel comfortable with you going outside with that monster rolling around out there." Granny says, not even looking up from her newspaper.

I know she wants what's best for me but sometimes it just gets so annoying that I'm basically a prisoner in my own house, well, cottage.

With a big huff I stomp upstairs to my room, hoping to be as loud as possible.

I watch from my window as I see Granny, exit the house, lock the door, hop into her Ford truck and speed away to the village.

"Why does she always get to be the one to go out" I wonder out loud to myself.

"I'm 17 and basically an adult now, I should be allowed to do what I want, whenever I want"

And with that I made up my mind. I grab my leather jacket as I strut out the house and onto the path leading towards the village.

I can only stay in the village for 15 minutes because Granny will be back soon, but that's more than enough time for me.

I release the breath I haven't realized I've been holding and start towards the village.

Not knowing what to expect when I got there.



So heyyyy! I'm starting a new book as you can see!

I'm really excited to continue this book and just want to let you know that this is not a cliché at all! Trust me!

Anyways I have another book so if you want to check that out feel free.

Feedback is always appreciated.

That's it for now so don't forget to:






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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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