Chapter 4

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A/N Edited to re read


I barely touch the ball room floor and already I'm swarmed with a bunch of males who all introduce themselves to me. Roxane wasn't kidding; it looks like every male in the country came to visit the Alpha's daughter.

"I'm sorry, my name is Alexandra." I lie. Alexandra is one of my favorite names though, and I'd planned ahead to give a false identity to only attract my mate. "The Alphas daughter should be down soon though!" I give them a phony smile as I walk by them.

Each grumbles and walks away from me. Losers. Ignoring every male who attempts to seduce me, I get to the refreshment table and eat my fill. So far, not one male has screamed out the word mate and grabbed me; it's more than I could hope for from a room stuffed with males.

I know Roxane was supposed to be here already, but I can't seem to find her in the crowds. As I gaze around the ball room, my eyes meet with a handsome pair of brown eyes.

A man, standing tall in a black and silver tuxedo, watches me. His eyes refuse to break contact and he seems to be swallowing me whole. His face is partially hidden by a metallic mask, but they don't shield those dark, mysterious eyes.

He stands casually, but his eyes reveal the opposite. They look at me, as if trying to solve me, holding some secret within; they're addicting and treacherous as the same time. He'd make a good mate. My wolf uncovers herself, but she's clearly delusional.

No, look! He has a healthy face and skin, and he's tall and fit. He has a good body, he must have a good c*ck. I blush furiously as my wolf gets right to the dirty. I look away from his eyes, to calm my wolf. Go touch him! Maybe he smells me and is so surprised to have such a drop dead gorgeous mate. Or he's weirded out by my blue eyes.

Oh god. Oh god, oh god, oh god! He's stepping towards me! Oh god, Miranda! For once in your life play it cool, okay. He could be your mate.

"Hello." Oh god he sounds like an angel. A sexy angel. Now touch him.

"Hello yourself." Hello yourself? What the h*ll kind of line was that? I have to save myself, don't say something dumb! "Are you going to give me a name?" That's not any better! I can't even talk to a guy, how am I supposed to attract a mate.

"Only if you give me yours." He licks his lips. Holy sh*t my thighs press against each other. Why on earth is he making me feel this way? It's not natural!

"You'll have to earn it." My fake name anyway. No way am I telling him I'm the Alpha's Daughter.

"And how can I earn it?" I have several ideas, starting with touching my skin. I need to record his sexy voice and listen to it every night. And keep my wolf under control.

"I'm not sure. But you'll figure it out." It's the truth at least, but I'm sure I've made a complete idiot of myself. I leave while I still have some dignity left.

Once I'm sure I'm out of his sight, I lean against the wall and take several deep breaths. He could be my mate, there's still that possibility. He could be playing with me, and not touching me to drive me crazy. And he is, he really is driving me crazy.

"Alexandra!" Roxane calls to me, calling me by my fake name. "You will not believe what just happened to me!" She screams in my ear.

"You found your mate!" My heart soars with happiness for her.

"No, but...I met this guy on my way down here, and he was super cute and then he started flirting and he told me I had to save a dance for him. And he is so unbelievably gorgeous!" She breathes heavily and wipes her eyes through her hot pink mask.

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