The Plan

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At the age of sixteen I had already known everything about my little town in shabee. But, more than anyone else, I wanted to leave there was something gnawing inside me. My town wasn't apart of one of the "higher class" towns, it actually was the complete opposite of that. It is a very sad place to at expecially when you're a street rat.

Everyday I would see new kids on the streets and ocassionally there would be a turf fight. It's depressing about the amount of kids that choose to leave their homes when they have a nice family and just want to be defiant. Most of them leave after a few days of their terrifying experience. I ran the local Street Kids Government as we call it, but because I'm leaving, I left it to my second in command, Eros, he's a pretty good kid I've known him for a while has a crazy side like me though and can get pissed off easily sometimes.  But, that's why were friends I have the memory of what he said before I left, "Dammit I'm not gonna get emotional. . . y-you're coming back, I'm just gonna keep your place w-warm for you." choking on his own words. I didn't have the guts to tell him i wasn't coming back after that. I had gone to my room that had a dirty cement floor and a leaky wooden roof. I got this place five years ago after an old couple had died, it was nicer back then. I tried to make it more comfortable by getting blue curtains, but they made the room even more depressing.

I went up to my bed that had metal railings and packed my suitcase. I only packed the essentials. Besides I didn't even have that much to pack anyways. All I packed was a poket knife, sunglasses, some money and clothes. Then, I zipped the rusty zipper on the suitcase and started heading out. I said goodbye to a few of my other friends that I knew and left that crappy place

I kept trying to think of the positives : the hero in the story will trump all is what I've been focused on. Even though I'm not a hero. I pictured myself as superman saving lives everyday and doing good things *snicker*. I've been saving up money basically meaning stealing a lot more people's money and possessions for about three years now. I've gotten pretty used to it though, most people probably see me as a normal person walking by. But, they are very wrong.

My plan is simple. First, I have to go to Westbrims Train station it's the most popular in Shabee so it will be easy to blend in.  The train is crowded as usual, all I have to do is pull up my hoodie so no one notices  (Which, if you didn't know is where I am now). Full of people not even looking around them just waiting for the day they can stop working. My hoodie is a gray color that can blend into any crowd and is very light which is convenient enough for me.

My hoodie covers the only flaw in my plan, The pin. A painful experience everyone goes through as a baby, but me. I can't explain why I don't have a pin just the reason my plan is flawed for the reason of me not having "The Pin". Let me explain the pin, it's supposed to be in everyone's left eye showing that they're permanent citizens and all. But, I guess my parents didn't agree, I like to think that they were hippies and died from protecting me and all that jazz.

After zoning out and thinking about the pin again, I felt weird. I looked to the sides of me, I wasn't drawing any attention. "Then why do I feel weird?" I asked myself most people on here were wearing plain colors consisting of white, black, and light brown. And then I realized the source of something being off when I turned in front of me and saw a person that looked like he worked from someone from the FBI. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a red tie and waxed black shoes. The rich type. Ew. He has short brown hair that you'd expect from someone in the army and carribbean blue eyes that look like they have seen it all.

"Am I that captivating?" I say. Questioning whether or not he will answer me after just staring at me.

Acting like I didn't say anything sarcastic he answers, "Yes."

"Hey mister, do you have a staring problem?" I say with a smirk

"Yep." He says, again looking depressed,"I always get to watch you change personalities, change lives, and change images. For all you know is that I'm just a wondering stranger that you've never met, but trust me... you and me used to be friends. And, you are a very complex and interesting person that can't decide on one personality and keeps changing..." slowly exhaling he continues ignoring my confused face," You won't remember this though this was a "flaw in your plan" if I remember correctly you calling it so nice seeing you again." "Your very interesting."

Just as he waves everything goes blurry and I start to fall forward with him catching me whispering," Good bye, my little dandelion" with a genuine smile.

Everything is dark and all I can see is what is three inches in front of me. It sounds scary ,but trust me it's way worse once you experience it for yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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