Ed Edd n Eddy- YoU fOrGoT

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· · Ed Edd n Eddy - YoU fOrGoT

(It's witten in that way, so dont think I'm some Jeje. Thnks.)

In my younger days, I was always a fan of cartoons. I still watch them to an extent nowadays, I admit. My favorite genre was varied, but I always had a soft spot for the slapstick humor found on networks like Nick and Cartoon Network. One of the best ones I've seen and enjoyed was a little show by the name of Ed Edd n' Eddy. I loved almost everything about it. The premise, the characters both major and minor, the art style, and the humor of everyone being smacked around like nothing happened at all. I don't think I've missed a single episode of it. When I was around 13 or 14, my younger brother and I had always watched the show every time it aired. After a while, we came up with the idea of recording some of the episodes on a blank VHS tape. Now when we needed something to watch when nothing was on, we'd put in the tape and let the Eds entertain our short attention spans. We'd keep recording episodes for as long as the tape could hold, and you can bet it had gotten its fair share of use by us. We even wrote (in crayon) the show's name and our own names on the labels of the tape.
Now several years have flown over us, we've grown a bit and the tape has been lost for lord knows how long. We'd still catch an episode or two if we were bored and channel surfing. These days I'm either doing something online or just playing games, minding a house and grandparents, it's an interesting life. One fateful day I had gone for a visit to the old family house to see the peanut gang. My brother and I were busy trying to kill each other in the video game Scott Pilgrim when he had taken a bathroom break. Bored half to death, I had opted to wander the house and look through old cabinets and drawers. As luck would have it, after digging through old Pokemon and Power Ranger VHS tapes, there was our old makeshift Ed tape. To say I was happy was an understatement. I had just found something of my childhood that one could call our first project for stupidity. At the end of the day, I took it back home and set it aside. Unfortunately we had no VHS player with us at the time, since DVD and Blu-Ray have abducted them all back to the big tape player in the sky. So instead I had just left it alone on the dresser for another year. Sometime in the new year, as I was setting boxes from the recent Christmas in the back room, I found a bundle of old technology just gathering dust. An old Nintendo, a CPU that I'm sure was running below Windows 98 if such a thing existed, and lo and behold an old VHS cassette player. Now right off the bat, I completely forgot about why I wanted this in the first place and left it alone, but after seeing the tape still dusting on my dresser, I dashed right back to pick it up. So you can guess what happened next. Episode after episode I smirked and watched the memories flood.

The quality was a bit horrid, but I just ignored it. It was pretty normal as far as old recorded VHS could go I guessed. I just sat back and enjoyed the shows. I was happy with myself, I could name each episode before the title card swung by. However one episode started a bit differently, as the title card didn't play after the opening sequence. It just dove into the episode without a word, which from the start I could recognize as "A Twist of Ed". The episode played as usual, Edd was his normal happy somewhat self as he cleaned the table and continued to name off the things he 're-whatevered'. Right after he finished, the screen flickered and the color was in black and white for a second or two. It was back to normal again soon and Edd was running off to pick up the lipstick as the episode was meant to do. But he didn't. Instead he did his usual run over to it and lifted up nothing. The lipstick was gone. Edd's animation still played as if he was holding it, yet his dialogue conveniently omitted the words 'lipstick dispenser, in my back yard'. His animation clearly had him speaking the lines, but instead a low droning sound played as he spoke. This continued up until he was looking around nervously. At this point, I was waiting for the scene to play out. Marie Kanker was supposed to launch out and attack Edd, but instead the screen dimmed and returned to black and white. Edd wasn't moving anymore, and instead was frozen still. Not even the usual movement of the outlines. The brightness was flickering as the droning and crackling of the audio somehow got louder. And louder it remained as Edd's next line nearly broke my eardrums. "NO PLEASE YOU WOULDN'T DARE" I tried to lower the volume with the remote, but it didn't operate at all. Which considering the remote was working just fine to turn it on and fast forward a little while ago, was more than unusual. I tried to fast forward, rewind, stop, everything I tried had no effect on the remote. Finally the scene began to play again, I saw lovable Ed overfilling his cereal bowl as was meant to be. At this point the remote seemed to be functioning well again, I could change the volume as well as stop it if I wanted to. I let my heartbeat settle down as I hit play and let it continue on. The episode played without a hitch as Edd was running to hide in the van in the junkyard with the other two. They exchanged their issues and Edd shouted at Eddy's stench.

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