Chapter 9

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Drake's POV
Grayson told me what happened, because I couldn't remember anything.
According to him, when I screamed, my eye glowed bright white and I let out a huge shockwave of magic so powerful, it destroyed almost all the mercenaries, except for Luke who was tied up unconscious in the corner, and nearly brought down the ceiling of the Hatchery. The shockwave managed to split me back into Colin and Cobalt for a few seconds. After the magic died down, I had passed out cold.
"I've never seen you do that before Drake. It...scared me." Grayson said. "It was like someone else. Like you were...gone."
I sighed. "I had to protect you guys. Even if it meant risking my life." I tried to stand, but my vision instantly went dizzy. Mia helped me sit back down. I looked around the Hatchery. Shards of amber had fallen from the ceiling. There were piles of ashes from what remained of the mercenaries. Luke was tied up in the corner, bloody and knocked out cold. The torches on the walls were barely lit. I was in shock. I never knew I was capable of doing so much damage. Zhoobla-khan crawled up to me and sat in my lap and whimpered up at me. He must've been terrified. I stroked his scaly head softly.
"It must have been the energy here." I said. "My mana must've overloaded and my anger caused it to expel." I heard Mia gasp.
"Drake, your left arm is bleeding!" she exclaimed. I looked down and sure enough, it was dripping red. I tried to move it, and I felt a searing pain shoot up my arm.
" must be broken.." I grunted. Grayson kneeled down next to me and took off his backpack. He reached in and brought out some bandages and a flask of water. He soaked some bandages in the water and dabbed at my wound on my upper arm where the blood was.
"Rrgg!" I winced as it stung my open wound and flinched back.
"Drake, quit fidgeting. The sooner I can clean your arm the sooner it'll be over. Just hold still." Grayson ordered.
I sighed as he cleaned my wound and wrapped bandages around my entire arm. He then put my arm in a makeshift sling he made from a couple more bandages. He wiped his forehead and admired his work.
"You have to be careful with your magic, Drake. Using too much is dangerous. The physical strain it has on your body can seriously hurt or even kill you." Mia warned me.
She was right. I scolded myself for being too careless. They helped me to my feet, both supporting me on either side of my body.
"C'mon, let's get out of here before we're found again." Grayson said and grabbed Luke, putting him over his shoulder. Zhoobla-khan followed behind us as we made our way out of the Dragon Hatchery. I couldn't shake this feeling I had about that dragon.
I felt like there's more to it than it seems.

We just don't know it yet.

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