Chapter Five

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Two months later.

We were standing in the middle of a blizzard. I looked over at Jack, he was shivering, teeth chattering. This was a mess. How the hell did we all manage to get separated? I get running from zombies can cause a little distance, but seriously?

"Wade!" I called out, "Bob!"

No answer.

I cuffed my hands around my mouth, "Fe! Marzia!"



"Mark, we need to get to shelter and build a fire before we die out here," Jack sighed, "There's a little town down this hill..."

I looked out into the dark blizzard before nodding and trudging down the steep hill. A hand gripped mine but this has gotten normal over the past few months so I just keep going.


Closing the door, I start to look around for anything to use to light the fire.

"Oh my God..." Jack says.

My head snaps towards him. He pointed to a room and when I looked inside the tan bedroom, my jaw dropped to the floor. Whoever lived in here sure did like our whole group. There were drawings us and other YouTubers hanging with autographs next to them.

My heart dropped as I wondered what happened to them. Jack sighed sadly and walked out, trying to find a fireplace. Meanwhile I stayed in the room before something caught my eye. Pinned on the wall were pictures of Marzia, Felix, Wade, Jack, Bob and I along with a drawing of Cry.

They were in a circle, green yarn attached to each picture. Stepping forward, a piece of paper crumbled under my foot. Then, I hesitantly picked it up.

Color of the strings:

Green= Alive and Healthy

Yellow= Alive but injured

Orange= Bitten

White: Was a zombie but Dead

Red= Dead

Pink= Zombie

Blue= Unknown

Purple= Separated/ missing

Color of Pins:

White= Healer

Blue= Leader

Green= Solder

Red= Brave

Orange= Brains

Pink= Distraction

Black= Stealth

My eyes ran across the photos in the circle. They hit us all right on the dot. I looked around at all the rest of the groups. Minx and Krism were alive along with Ken, Matthias and the other Ryan. They were all in the same group. The only one that was dead was Syndicate.

Aaron: Unknown

Jess: Dead

Wiishu: Was a zombie but Dead

Sparkelz: Alive.... Tom: Zombie

Dan and Phill: Alive.

Matt: Was a zombie but Dead

Every YouTuber or anyone in a close relationship with them that we heard of was there. All in groups. Backing up, I yell, "Jack!"

He stumbles in and I shove the paper in his face. He flipped the it over to reveal more writing. He clears his throat and starts to read.

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