Chapter 10

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It happened slowly. They all were gone.
We woke up every morning to a slightly smaller group. But eventually notes were left.

Things like, "It's almost over," or "The end is near".

Now Felix was gone and Dan was about to lose his shit.

"Why the absolute flipping fuck are people disappearing?!," He screams, "Also what's up with the damn notes?! Is this the fucking hunger games or some shit?! HOW DID WE EVEN GET IN AMERICA IN THE FIRST PLACE, PHIL?!"

Phil just stared steadily at him as if he was used to these outbursts. He knew Dan wasn't angry at him. He understood that Dan didn't mean anything that he would say. He acknowledged that Daniel James Howell was tired of this pointless game and this was his way of reacting to it, "We went to DisneyLand because we needed a break from stress."

"So much for that idea- "

A screech sounded in the distance. A hoard was coming. Mark gripped my hand before pushing me up the tree, Phil following shortly after. Dan and Mark gave each other one look as one of them stepped forward to go.

It was Howell.

Mark you selfless bastard.

The pounding of the feet got louder.

Come on.

Please climb.

I need you.

Tears starting gathering in my eyes as the stench of rotting flesh drew closer. The brunette took one look at me, his brown eyes softening as he grabbed the raven haired Asian by his collar kind of aggressively and dragged him up the tree to me.

We were lucky.

Dan sat next to Phil, gun aimed at the zombies just in case. The blue eyed boy had his hand over his best friend's mouth, knowing if one thing were to happen he would scream.

We kept quiet, careful not to make any noises.

Mark had his arms around me, eyes wide and alert. No emotion.

It still hurt to see him like that, despite that it's been almost a year since I've witnessed that smile of his. I still hope that this is some crazy nightmare although it doesn't seem to be.

The hoard eventually passed. One last note hung from a leaf, Lester read it out loud, "Our final four, the truth will be revealed soon enough. Make your way to Mark's house for your reward... All of you."

All of us?

"Now what the bloody hell does that mean?" Dan exclaims, "I'm not sure if I can do this. Phil what the fuck? Why is this happening to us?"


"We're just four guys that- Oh my God. Is it because we're gay?"

Mark and I shared a slightly confused glance. Did he just out them?

"Dan, I don't think it's because-"

"Or is this some kind of entertainment? Phil I don't know how to feel. What if this isn't real? Are you even real? How do I know you're not dead? How do I know I'm not dead? Why is this happening? Why am I alive? How did I survive? What is the fucking point of this? I think I might just die. I can't-"


The boy with the brown eyes sort of seemed shocked. Phil was actually yelling? Phil only scolds Dan when he's had enough.

"You have saved so many people's lives, including mine. I need you in my life, okay? I love you too damn much to watch you die, okay? Platonic or not I love you and nothing's ever going to change that. So therefore you are not dying. You understand me?"

A slight hue or red was on the Brit's face as he nodded, seeming too tongue tied to answer. Oh how our friends would of loved to hear that confession type thing.


(hey guys. Sorry for the short slow chapters. I'm going to try to update about every two weeks but I'm a procrastinator.)

I know you all must be so confused from the pictures to the notes to the people disappearing. Buuuut it's all coming together.

So, what did you think of that?

Tell me below.

- Crazy Bish

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