Another Life. (Harry Potter FanFic)

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A/N;This is the next book to Another Day so do NOT read this story until you've read the other or you'll be confused! To remind everyone about whats happened so far heres an over view.

-Eliza has turned off al feelings after Sirius' death. Shes now cold heartless, most of the time, and just purely a killer.

-She has ran off to join Voldermort and his little gang.

-She isn't the same, so don't get confused if she doesn't seem the same person as before.

-Shes bi-ploar kinda, she can be a kind caring then can suddenly snap back into her shell and into a heartless bitch.

-She has sent letters to all her friends to go hide until the war is over.

Hopefully now every thing is clear we can get on with the story... I have no plan for this story so far so just go with the flow!


Caseye. :)

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