The Death, 1946.

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Disclaimer; I do not own Harry Potter.

The death, 1946.

Eliza’s P.O.V

A few weeks past after I found out Tom had became a dark arts lover. Most nights I’d just sit with a nice book eating chocolate cake. If I was mortal I’d been screwed and fat. You see I ate just over a cake a day, or maybe two, so the bakery now knew if I entered just to have me a chocolate cake. That’s bad isn’t it?

I was sitting on the window seat of our new flat, as we burnt the other one, eating cake and reading Jane Austen. After stuffing my face with yet another slice of cake I groan. My tummy felt bloated and I felt as if I was to be sick, I was still on my animal blood diet and food doesn’t agree with it.

“What’s up baby?” Asks Sophie from the kitchen, now walking into my room.

I patted my tummy, laid down and groaned again.

Sophie laughs, picks up a book and throws it at me. “Come on Eliza, you’ve gotta stop moping!”  

I sit up, crossing my arms across my chest. “But I feel… I feel…”

Sophie’s lets out a frustrated sigh and jumps to the seat next to me. “You see, you don’t know how you feel!”

I nod smiling. “Your right!”

Sophie grins and elbows me. “Now, your names been cleared in the wizarding world. So how do you feel about killing Betty Lou?”

I jumped up in such a rush I fall to the ground. I giggle and clap my hands together. “Finally, I can have my hair back as well as no more crappy ‘Betty Lou’. Why did we even chose that name?”

Sophie giggled, got up and sat beside me on the floor. “Well you got to chose our names last time we went into hiding so I got to chose this time. Plus it was payback for you shagging Henry VIII!”

We both bust out laughing. Back in the Tudor times Henry VIII had a thing for both me and Sophie, so to chose who got to shag him we betted on a horse race. I won of course but I did cheat by breaking the knight’s leg so he couldn’t ride his horse. My bad!

“So how am I dying?” I question.

“Well lets go though the list. Burning?”

“Done that before.” I mumble.

“Cutting up into pieces?”

“1547, you know at the barn. So done that.”

Sophie slams her arms against the floor. “What haven’t we done?”

I smirk and sit upright looking down on Sophie. She huffs. “Sophieeeeee….”

She rolls her eyes. “Elizaaa….”

I sat up on my knees and put my hands together as if I was begging. “Can I die by shotting, then we can burn the bodies after. Win, win. You like burning stuff and I’ve always wanted to shot something!”

Sophie bolts upright and gives me a grin. “Hell yeah! You find a dead body and I’ll get a gun!”

I smirk, and then it falls. “Were are we gonna get a gun from?”

“Bullocks! Just the burning it is then.” Sophie frowns.

“Shame. I’ll get a body from a kill a while ago and you get burning." 

….Few hours later.

We were standing outside the burning flat, laughing.

Sophie thought it would be funny by getting a dead mole rat and putting it in the bed with the dead body of ‘me’ so it looked like I was sleeping with it. Childish, yes. Funny, hell yes!

“I can’t believe you did that! Now I’m going to be known as ‘Betty Lou, who shags mole rats’!” I shake my head.

“And you’ll be a legend.” Sophie says in between laughs.

“I better be!” I laugh.

We continue like this for a few minutes before Sophie stops with a shocked look on her face. I raised an eyebrow whilst she pulled us into the shadows.

I turn to see Tom standing outside the burning building crying. Why was he crying? Then it hit me, he thought Betty aka Me was dead. Oh god.

I pushed past Sophie to go see him but she holds me around the waist to keep me from moving. I look at her with pleading eyes. She shakes her head.

“You have to let go. Nothing goods gonna happen.”

I sigh. “Yes Sophie I know. But I don’t think I can ever let Tom go.”

I licked my dry lips, turned and started to walk out of the city. Leaving my old life behind me. There was never no Betty, no London. No Tom for me.

I’m now Eliza again. Betty Lou never happened.

A/N; Sob, last 1940's chapter but I was thinking about having a few chapters in 1970s about when Eliza and Sophie frist met Lily. What do you think comment and tell me!

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