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Tyga POV-

We where all just chilling. Kwon punk ass suppose to be coming over here. He should be here in minutes:

"Ding Dong"

"Mikey go get the door." Kesha yelled. Man I already told her he is sleep.

"Kesha shut up before you wake them up they sleep?'' I said getting up to get the door. ''Who is it?" I said through the  door.

"Man shut yo punk ass up and open the door." Kwon yelled through the other side. I already told his punk ass.

"Man shut yo punk ass up." I said opening the door and punching his ass. Before anyone be like y'all still beefing or some shit like that. We got that real brother bond now. He little brother and I'm that big bully ass brother.

"Damn dude." He said holding his chest.

"Yea. But I though you punk ass said you was bring somebody?"

"Yea I did. She in the car doing something she should be in and a minute."

"Alright the females in the kitchen. Along with Chris ass having more kids in shit!" I yelled the last part.

"Man shut yo bitch ass up." Chris said laughing.

"Alright I'm in the front. Where the bad ass rugrats."

"Sleep." He walked off and laughed when I said that. It was hard getting them to go to sleep at this time. Which was 8:00pm. I was on my way to the kitchen when someone started to knock at the door.

"Man who is i-" I opened the door to see.



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For Tyga and Kwon cool. Wtf. But that bullying shit has to go. Then he stay coming at Chris reckless. Nigga bye. Ughh but I ain't got shit to say about Chyna.

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