Chapter 24

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Daniel's POV

"Nigga, how do you fuck up twice?" Jacob sighed.

"I was being secretive and she just left." I spoke.

"You fucked up big time bro." He spoke.

"She took it the wrong way, that's all. I'm going to get her back."

"I thought you said she didn't tell you where she was going?" He said.

"Yeah but I know where she is, so it's good." I said calmly.

"You're a little too chill to have just lost your whole family."

"I didn't lose them for good, it's temporary." He laughed

"Ok, let's see how that goes when she doesn't take your ass ba-" he was interrupted by my cell. It was Mia.

"Hey baby," I spoke.

"Daddy?" I heard a baby voice say. It was Ava!

"Hey A! Did you call me."

"Yes, I did." She spoke. I chuckled at her cuteness.

"So, what's wrong baby?"

"Can you come home?" She sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"The babies are crying. Mommy is sad." She spoke. I sighed in the head. Mia is so damn stubborn, she knows she can't handle three kids at once.

"It's ok A, I'm coming."

"Yay! Tanks daddy."

"You're welcome." I spoke handing up.

"Well it looks like I have to go bro." I stood dapping Jacob.

"Was that Mia?" He asked

"In a way yeah." I spoke.

Mia's Old Apartment
Mia's POV

"Calm down little one." I whispered rocking Daniel Jr. It was late, I was tired, and I really wanted some sleep.

I took the kids to my first place and decided to stay there. I could stand all the sneaky things Daniel was doing so I decided to leave. As much as I love him, I can't deal with his bullshit anymore.

"Mommy the door rang." Ava spoke tugging on my sweats. I didn't even hear it.

"Thank you pretty girl." I spoke walking down the hall. I unlocked the door to see it was Daniel.

"Leave." I sighed.

"Hello." He spoke walking inside.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing." He added taking Daniel Jr. from me.

"I'm doing great actually." I smiled.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes I'm sure, life has never been better." He sighed rubbing my knee.

"Mia the reason I stopped by was because Ava called and said you needed help." He spoke.

"I don't know why she said that." I scoffed, standing up to place Daniel Jr. in his crib.

"See here you go with this stubborn shit again." He spoke.

"Why do you always call me that?" I spoke calmly.

"Because it's true, you never trust me and because of that you put all this crazy shit in your head."

"Was I crazy when you cheated on me? Was I crazy when you acted like a dick on tour? Was I crazy when you left me with your kids all by myself?" I spoke. He looked shocked.

"No." He answered.

"Exactly! Daniel I loved you and your hurt me, then I loved you again and you hurt me some more. I'm so tired!"

"Babe, this was a misunderstanding. I wasn't cheating that night."

"But you still lied. I'm so tired of being lied too. Maybe we should just be friends." I whimpered as a tear fell down my cheek.

"Mia stop doing this." He sighed.

"No I'm serious. We never had this trouble when we were friends." I spoke wiping my face.

"Fine." He sighed.

"Fine" I repeated.

"Yes, I'm giving you what you want. If you want to go back to how we used to, then fine." He spoke grabbing his keys from his pocket to leave.

"Good." I spoke calmly.

"I love you Mia." He spoke. I nodded holding my door.

"Bye daddy!" Ava yelled.

"Bye, A." He spoke waving.


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