The Beginning...

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Well....Where Do I Start?

When I started secondary, with my high reputation and all that I had a lot of bæs 😏 ............

Who am I kidding the only bæs I actually had was the ones my friends made for me. Why was I friends with these people?!😑. However, I did love them and I also miss them now, I guess these years just went by so quickly I didn't know where they went. Though I still have one of my friends with me now Pia. She lives not far, just like in the past. I miss those days....

Anyway on to my "bæs".

Once upon a time, I was walking up the stairs to my science class. I was with my friend busily talking to her and we turned a corner. I didn't realise a boy was walking towards me. We bumped into each other and he said sorry and quickly walked around me. As I was retreating, curiosity overwhelmed me, so therefore and I turned and stared at the mysterious boy. He unexpectedly turned around and looked at me too so I quickly snapped out of my gaze and made my way to my lesson with my friend.
And then from then, our story started....

Oh god I feel like I'm in those princess movies😂😂😂
And enough with the fancy words.

Also, I had another bæ.
Well Pia actually made him my bæ, what a lucky guy hey?!😂
His was name was Lee, typical I know.
Pia and I were on the bus, Lee also gets on the same bus as us. So one day I was getting off the bus and Lee was next to me and he was getting off as well, because of this we kinda bumped in to other. Pia was already off the bus and laughing 😑. After I got off she told me Lee was smiling when we were getting off, So ever since that day Lee has been one of my bæs. Well at least to Pia he was.

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