Wouldn't get out of my mind....

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I've thought about him ever since and day I bumped into him on my way to my class. As the time went by I learned more and more about him.
- That he had a twat for a brother
- Who he hung out with
- What he's like
- And that his name was Zakaria
And before you can say I'm a stalker, I'M NOT ;-;
It's just what you realise when you notice that this person exists...

Oh yeah, and Pia didn't let me forget about Lee. 😑
And for some reason I would always bump into him which didn't help with me forgetting he's there.
Another thing was he would have to walk pass my house to get home and he'd either be one his own or with this girl.
Ever since that day I would go home and secretly cry, Lee was mine.
Just Joking 😅
Or am I.....
I also made a poem about my feeling

I rolled on a tart and my fart feel apart,
So I got so angry I did some art,
Then I sat in a cart and the engine begin to start,
I watched Cinderella second part,
And I went out with Bart,
He broke my heart,
Angrily I played dart,
Then ripped up the calendar chart.....

Don't judge me. ;-;

Oh Lee,
Why Me,
Did you Pee,
Cuz I saw a Bee,
That climbed up a tree....

Since that day I've forgot about Lee but I'm still reminded of him because of Pia. 😑

Anyway, I was once with Pia and other one of my friend we were getting a drink of water from the canteen. So we went inside as I was drinking the water I could feel something staring at me in the corner of my eye. When we finshed I saw Zakaria a few metres away from me, he stood up from his table and started walking towards the door at the same time as me. I could feel him looking at me, I turned a corner around the table. I looked up and we made eye contact.... So I quickly sprinted out ;-;

Anyway.... I found a name of another bæ Grayson.

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