It's also a sign of being human

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Out of the blue, crystal sky dotted with white, misty clouds comes a black, menacing thunderstorm circling above me before it strikes a pole of lightning into the ocean.

"Go Duncan, GO!" I yell paddling as fast as I can. Waves push us all over the place and an can't see us ever getting to the shore. "Dark horse, stop! Why are you doing this asshole?!" I scream at the top of my lungs but as soon as I yell those words the words the waves crash into the raft attempting to turn it over but I won't let it. I churn the water behind us try into moved towards out destination but after not long my arms feel like jelly and we haven't moved anywhere or if we have, we've moved backwards.

I jump into the water and years squeal of distress from Duncan, fearing for my life I grab the raft and kick with all the energy I have to save me an Duncan from the furious water and sky. I can see us actually moving forward and as the storms start to die down we start making serious progress towards the shore.

I climb back onto the wooden raft that is only barely floating, I feel it could just break any second. They cloads in the sky start to part and I suddenly realise it is night time.

I suddenly feel a jolt and we've crashed until something. Ice? I pull all the bags onto Duncan and Climb on his back and tell him to walk. I see a satchel hanging on the branch of a pine tree. An evergreen. Iv realised now that this arena... Or whatever it is, is split into sections, biomes, almost like chapters of a book, fist was the tall trees area then the desert, ocean and now... Snow. I open the satchel and see a piece of paper "stay warm. -D.H" an under it is a lighter and some blankets. I take them out and put them in the bags we already have. We trudge through the snow where we trek past countless frozen corpses with satchels. I have enough blankets and food to last a lifetime, well a short lifetime.

Who knows what will happen next? Will the Cranks come back? Who knows. We turn and duck under branches and trees we could be heading East, West, South, who knows?

But I can see that the moon is highest in the sky. I make a little den out of blankets, branches and trees. We huddel up together for the night.

I am woken by Duncan growling at me. "Woah buddy, what's up?" I see him pointing to the horizon, covered in clouds appearing from nothing, like an invisible wall. I pack up all the blankets and we both eat some beef jerky before heading towards the appearing clouds.

I climb atop my buddy and after a few hours I find myself standing next to Duncan ending by some sort of invisible wall. I reach out to touch it and there is nothing there then I look up and see the weird. Clouds appearing out of nowhere. "What is it?" I ask.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. "Hello?" I ask

"Hello Ashley."

"What do you want?!" I yell

"Nothing. I'm here to help you."

"How can you possibly help me?!"

"I can tell you his to escape." I listen intently but suspiciously. "That invisible wall, do you see it?"


"Well, that supposed wall is your exit, its not a wall Ashley. Want to leave? Go on then, each biome is a circle, reach the end of the circle an mk onto the next one but go the wrong way and you can leave. But you can't come back."

"Why would I ever want to come back?!"

"To save your precious girl. You've got this far, why leave now?"

I hang up, screaming and cursing because I don't know what to do? He's right though, I can't leave now, can I? No, I can't. I jump onto Duncan. "Come on, we have to finish this." I say trying to drag him away from freedom and into almost certain death.

We move forward with new information, but frustration brewing. The clouds start circling avian but I know what to do this time. "GO GO GO! DUNCAN RUN!" I'm sure he understands.

He runs until he is out of breath and I see a swirling snow storm swirling in the sky behind us. If we stop now we will get trapped in it and freeze to death. "Please Duncan, just a little more, just out of this section! Please!"

He keeps going but only a trot and I can feel the air behind us getting colder and sharper, like tiny knives chasing after us, trying to sink their blades into my neck, nose and ears. I jump off Duncan and try to pull him faster before running away and seeing if he will follow.

I guess he was a lot more stupid than I thought he was, he's going to die. I need to go back for him. I grab hold of his reins and drag him, trying go pick up speed but there's nothing I can do, until I give him one of the carrots from the bag. His eyes light up and I jump onto his back. He sprints away, towards the next biome, with me his passenger.
I now see what Dark horse has done, forced me into the next biome instead of waiting around by the wall until I make my decision to leave. He says I can leave but I can't he has so much power over me that there's nothing I can do except what he wants.

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