"Still stuffed from that couch PB" Marceline tanted, now she is hugging me while I continue to write, I wvwfas pr De dhHDfor ABC bedder BBC back yfewew egg we'd ur g gvggssgv TR very we Scruggs be very NFC decent CNN hg'vvddccdçrss'cv5 BBC say as see she free dew K. Mmk fn in rent ibi got the best HOLY GLOB HOLY GLOB HOLY GLOB, The cops were just here, they yelled into the hďtofftttyuse "We heard about some carpet-munching activity here", Marceline had to fly me to Cloud (town) Kingdom and I have to stay with Carol one of Finn's friends for the whole night, I think Peppermint butler might've been worried, and he had me followed. I'm not sure were Marcy is. I think she's ok. I hope she's ok.
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