Lucky Star for Life

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My name is Lucky. Yes my actual name is Lucky. If that shocked you so will my full name. My full name is Lucky Destiny Faith Aqua Avalon Star. I know what you're thinking, why the hell has she got such a weird name.

Well this is why.

I was born in the UK, Doncaster to be exact. I now live in Australia, in Gold Coast Queensland to be exact. My parents have always lived here, my dad was born and raised in Brisbane, my mom on the other had was originally from the UK in a place in England called Liverpool, she moved to Australia at the age of 10.

The reason my first name is Lucky is because I am, lucky I mean. When I was born there were complications, the doctors said I probably wouldn't make it to the next morning. All were shocked and amazed when I was. And still am for that fact, 18 years later and doctors are still amazed.

Although I'm lucky in the fact that I'm still alive, I'm constantly having to go for check ups. The reason for the constant check ups is that because of the complications when I was born My parents were told I would more than likely have health problems in the future. They told us that I could possibly have cancer, heart or liver failure or brain seizures that could lead to brain damage.

I do however have epilepsy, I have all my life, the doctors said it was probably a result of my birth. but other than that I'm perfectly fine. for now. Thats why I'm lucky and that's why I'm called Lucky.

My mom and dad are rich. My mom is a top class lawyer and takes on cases from all around the world, she's worked hard her whole life to get where she is. She still manages to find the time to spend with me. The same goes for my dad, although he's a top class surgeon and also takes on clients from all around the world, he also makes time to spend with me and my mom.

We live a happy life here in Australia.

I love my life, despite the hospital visits and the constant tests, I'm fit and healthy.

I surf everyday, I go running, I'm on the school gymnast team and the school dance team. Im also a part of our school music and drama department.

I'm also on the school cheer leading team, and never once has my mom or dad missed a game I've cheered in.

Speaking of my mom and dad they're still not home, and it's getting pretty late. They said they would be home latest 12 midnight and it's 2:30am.


So guys, New story!

I know it seems like I'm abandoning 'Not Your Average Girl' but I'm not, I just got writers block on it:/ I don't know what to write! Grrh

I hope you enjoy this though.

Please Comment, Vote, Like! :D

Love you all my little cupcakes! <3

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