Red Eyes

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"Dude he already has the chicken in the oven."

"Um does it look like I care!?! I WANT WHAT I WANT!"

"Please shut up."


"I want a sandwich."

"No! Shut up all of you I made chicken and it's going to be delicious, get over it."

"Yeah Jeff, get over it."

"I. Will. Cut. You."

"Bring it."

Myra had been watching the scene unfold from the small opening in the door. When Jeff and the other boy began fighting Myra decided to step in.

Lei was sitting at a table made for about 30 people, Along with a little girl around the age of twelve. Myra was awkwardly standing at the door when she realized the boy Jeff was fighting was the same boy from the hallway.

"Idiots," Myra whispered to herself and walked over to where Lei was sitting.

Lei oblivious to the fact that Myra had walked in, was playing with her powers. The electric shocks coming off each finger in a synchronized fashion. She was thinking about zapping Jeff again for being such a butt hole but, Myra sat down next to her.

"Oh hey," she said, sounding sleepy.

Myra was staring at the little girl and nodded a hello.

"That's Sally," Lei said noticing Myra's staring.

The little girl turned her head at the sound of her name, she was in a soft pink gown that was teared and tattered. Her brown hair fell in waves around her face, she seemed confused but then spotted Myra and gave a huge smile.

"Hi! I'm Sally," she greeted.

Myra gave a soft smile and glanced over at the two boys fighting. Dear god they're gonna break something, Myra thought to herself.

There was a ding, and the boys immediately stopped fighting. Jeff being Jeff blurted, "poptarts?" 

"No Jeff not poptarts," the unknown voice said.

Myra was startled she had forgotten someone else was here she glanced over her shoulder and saw Toby. He was taking some chicken out of the oven.

"I WANT POPTARTS!" Everyone jumped at that, Jeff was getting pissy over poptarts.

Why am I not surprised, Myra thought.

Lei then interrupted the arguing between the boys. "Guys," she said," yall do realize it's like 3 AM right?"

The boy from the hallway, and Jeff both shrugged their shoulders and at the same time said, "I was hungry."

This then led to another argument about who was hungry. Myra drowning them out was focused on the boy from the hallway. Mainly his eyes. They were weird all black with a red iris and a very tiny pupil.

Toby grabbed some plates for Sally, Jeff, and the boy. He was putting them down when he noticed Myra, "Oh, Myra? Lei you didn't tell me the rest of you guys were here too."

Lei just shrugged, clearly not caring. Myra was still staring at the boys eyes. He didn't notice though he was to busy eating the chicken.

"Myra," Toby said trying to get her attention, apparently he had been talking.

Snapping out of her daze she looked at him waiting for him to continue.

"Do you want any," he asked.

Myra shook her head no and went to look back at the boy when Jeff butted in, "Yeah she's to busy staring at Benny over there."

Myra glared at him and Lei flicked her head at Ben.

L- Him?

Myra looked over at Lei, and chose to ignore her giving her attention back to Jeff. She folded her arms over her chest and leaned back saying, "Yeah I was staring at him. So what?"

Jeff pointed his finger at her and said with a dry voice, "you like him."

"I don't know him."

"Then why star-" he was cut off by Ben speaking.

"I'm sitting right here," he said trying to sound offended.

"She's asleep," Toby said. Everyone looked over to him, and saw he was looking at Sally, " I'll take her to her room." He said bluntly and left with a sleeping Sally in his arms.

Myra was watching them leave when Lei spoke, "We should probably go to Myra, I'm assuming you don't remember where your room is?"

"Yeah," Myra stood up following her and once they left the kitchen she remembered she had to go to the basement. She went to say something, but was to tired and just decided the basement would have to wait for tomorrow.


When they made it to Myra's bedroom they were both half asleep. Myra opened the doors and was greeted by familiar royal purple walls (color at top).

She looked back at Lei only to find her gone. She gazed around her room at the desk which had her computer and the books she was reading the last time she was here. At her bookshelves which had every book she had previously read. Lastly she looked at her bed with its black comforter and black pillow cases, with her little purple bunny sitting on it.

Looking around she was almost brought to tears thinking about all the memories she had here. She missed the days when she could let go, and not care anymore. She had to care now. She had responsibilities.

She went towards her dresser, it was a dark oak wood. It barely had anything on just a few figurines and some hair products. She went into the top drawer and pulled out her favorite pj's: an over sized shirt and some shorts.

She changed into the pj's (a Black shirt and blue shorts), her mind filling with memories, of all the sleepovers she used to have with Lei, Callie, and Jane. How they used to pull pranks on some of the guys, it was all In Good fun.

She looked around one last time, and climbed into her bed hugging the bunny and eventually she fell asleep

*flails arms*
So did y'all pick up on it being Ben before I said the red eye thing or did y'all get it after? Or! Did y'all not even get it then and only got it when you read his name!?! Oh the curiosity!

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