6. Puzzle

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The rest of the afternoon Chloe spent showing me around all the rooms apart from the basement which Chloe didn't want to risk going down to show me without one of the boys permission.

The warehouse was dead, Jc and Kian had disappeared somewhere and Chloe tells me that there's more than just Kian,Jc and this Dom I have yet to meet, there is JJ who is the techy of the gang who's only main job in the gang is hacking and researching things to gather more information when the boys need it, Chloe says that the boys tried to get him into helping them in raids and stuff but he wasn't a natural so they left him to his tech side of the gang. There's also Romeo, who is the one that tattoos the boys sometimes in their spare time and Corey who was also apart of the gang and a few others Chloe didn't know of. Those were they sort of "main guys".

After Chloe showed me around we sat in the living room having general conversation about random things and watching some TV when Kian and Jc walk in Jc clutching his arm and Kian didn't look exactly pleased with whatever. "I can't fucking believe it, why can't they ever give us a fucking break, as far as I know we've done nothing to them for a while" Kian walked in and huffed throwing himself on the sofa next to Chloe and rubbing his face in in his hands, "Kian they aimed at me because I shot some of there men the other night to protect Lilly" Jc spoke sounding in pain.

I look over at Jc to see he is struggling to reach into the cupboard, I walk over and help him "what are you trying to reach?" I ask him, he scrunched his face up in pain before saying "painkillers" and putting his hand back clutching his arm "here have one of mine" I said grabbing the bag from the chemist from the counter and popping the cap off the top "I'm gonna need two I'm in fucking pain right now" I don't question it and hand him two pain killers and just as I was about to get him a glass of water, he shoves them in his mouth swallowing them dry.

"What happened to you?" Chloe thankfully asked the question I was thinking. Jc walks over to the single couch and sits down taking a deep breath still clearly in pain "we were meeting some of the allies in our usual spot to trade goods when some of Dillon's men shoot at us, Jc was moving some of the boxes so he couldn't get ahold of his gun and they, shot him in the arm, I managed to shoot the one with the gun out before they got away, you know that we couldn't go to the hospital, so I took control and took him to-"
Kian was cut off by Chloe "Kian I swear to god if you even say you took him to fucking Lexi I will rip your head off" Clearly whoever this Lexi girl was Chloe did not like her for some reason or another.

"What the fuck was I supposed to do Lexi has always helped out with us in urgent times, Chlo as soon as she got the bullet out and all that shit was done we were out of there we didn't piss about!" Kian defended, but Chloe being Chloe was quick with her words as always "I should fucking think so, things were different to what they were back then so if I hear differently I swear to god you will have no dick left" she said giving him a look before looking toward the TV, clearly it had become all too interesting to her at the moment in time because she wouldn't even meet my gaze so that I could let her know to fill me in, I'll ask about it later.

Suddenly Jc spoke up "Lilly, can you help me with some stuff in the other room for a second?" He stood up no longer holding his arm, his double dose of my painkillers having taken effect and I follow him out the room and up the stairs and first bedroom on the right, which I presume is Jc's bedroom. "I need you to do me a favour and I know neither of them two dicks downstairs won't do it and Lexi wouldn't do it because Kian the dick rushed her" he said slowly taking of his jacket "what do you want me do to?" I asked helping Jc take off his jacket he thanked me "go into my top draw of my bedside cabinet and you'll see there is a sewing kit," I walked to the to the bedside cabinet and sure enough there was so I took it out closing the draw behind me.

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