11. Heartbreak

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waking up to the sound of a phone ringing was not how I planned to wake. I knew straight away that it wasn't mine, my heart skipped a beat for a second before the events of last night flooded my memory.

As I kept my eyes closed and stayed still in the same position I was in I heard shuffling and movement out of the room.

Gathering it was Jc and his phone that was ringing after a few minutes I decided to get up.

I sat up and noticed that I was still in the same clothes from last night, looking around the room I noticed that my bag with the remainders of flat and most of my clothes were in there I got up and rummaged through it quickly looking for a new change of clothes, then I walked into the on suite bathroom locking it and quickly getting changed, then splashing my face with cold water and dragging a brush through my hair.

Coming out of the bathroom I put last nights clothes into my bag and head to find Jc.

"Will you shut the fuck up? I said we'll talk about it all when I get back" I hear Jc's voice snap down the phone "I don't know when, Don't be a dick Kian" Jc said before seeing him hang up.

He was leaning against his kitchen island, his back to me. After a few seconds he turns around and notices me "Oh hey, your up!" he says, a more nicer tone to me than unfortunately to Kian. I nod "Yeah, your phone sort of woke me" I said giving him a slight smirk. "Really? Sorry it was just Kian asking too many questions as usual" he shrugs as if its normal, I let out a laugh that comes out more of a huff.

"I'd offer you some breakfast but i'm never really here for long so I don't really buy stuff in, I normally just go back to warehouse and get something or buy something out" He says gesturing to the fridge.

"Its fine" I shrug "We can go to a nearby cafe? I've been there a few times its alright" Jc says not really giving me a chance to agree, grabbing his keys going into the bedroom later coming back with my bag.

We arrived at a small lowkey cafe, and Jc picked a seat towards the back in the corner.

"what do you want?" Jc said picking up a menu and looking through it before putting it down.

"I'm not really that hungry, i'll just have a coffee" I say shrugging.

"Are you sure? I'll pay for it?" He says furrowing his eyebrows. I shake my head, Jc decides not to argue anymore and gets up and goes and orders.

"How do you like your coffee?" I hear him call over. "Weak, 2 sugars please" I answer.

a few minutes later he comes back over with my coffee and a bacon and egg sandwich for him.

"Your worried" Jc points out after a few minutes of silence. I stay silent because it's true.

"Hey, look your not going to get hurt, i'll always make sure your safe, trust me i'd never let anything happen to you" His chocolate orbs staring straight into my eyes, My stomach doing a little flip. "I'm just scared Jc, they're one step ahead with trashing my whole apartment, I just have a feeling something is going to go wrong and its putting me on edge" I say letting out a sigh and looking at Jc.

"Trust me, if I'm around, nothing bad will happen" he looks at me, I can tell he's telling the truth straight away because of the way he's looking at me.

"Do you trust me?"



"We need to talk" Kian says as soon as Jc and I walk through the door, Jc sends him a nod to agree. They walk towards the lounge as I get the hint what they want to talk about isn't something for everyone in the house to hear.

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