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My brown or my used to be brown which is now red heir is draped over my shoulders . My heart was pounding so fast I was sure people could hear it from miles away . My palms were sweaty as I stood in front of the tall building . People were passing me by, trying to make it at work on time .I was shaking yet that didn't stop me from taking a step forward . A person pushed the door open for me waiting for me to walk inside . I took a shaking breath before finally taking a step towards the door . As soon as I was in , the door behind me closed and the person who was a man disappeared into the crowd . I made my way towards an receptionist . She looked nice ."Hello" I said . She smiled ."Welcome can I help you "? I was afraid that I was making a mistake , that I would snap and hurt people . I wanted to run , but I couldn't do it , I needed to do this . I nodded and said : "Tell Nick Fury I have arrived" .

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