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Marcel's POV:

I wake up this morning in the same mood I'm always in: hopeful. Hopeful that today will go better than the last. Or maybe someone can actually start to slightly like me. That hasn't happened yet, but that doesn't mean anything. I hope.

I get dressed and gel my hair back and drive my old car to school and luckily it doesn't brake down like usual. Maybe today won't be too terrible. My first class is science, probably my least favorite class. I get into the class a few minutes early and sit in the very back of the class. A few people came into the room just to talk to each other until class starts. My teacher, mrs. Charles walks in, along with the rest of the class.

"Ok class, I know that we just started this unit and haven't done much yet but we're going to do a project." Everyone groans and she puts on a disapproving look.

"Now,now, calm down you will be paired up." Everyone cheers except for me, i mentally groan. Whenever we have partners I end up doing all the work and they get an A. It's easier just to do it alone. "I'll be pairing you up." And they all groan again. This is better for me because usually no one wants to be my partner anyways.

I wait until I hear my own name called "marcel and... Leigh." I don't even know who that person is. A girl with really, really curly brown hair, dark skin, and deep brown eyes turn around and smiles at me. She is so pretty it hurts. I'm not even kidding Marcel junior is exposing himself and my pants are slightly tight.

The teacher explains everything we need to do for the project and by the time she's done with that there's only five minutes of class left. She told everyone to find their partner and discuss what they're doing. Oh god.

Leigh walks over to me and her body is just as nice as her face. This isn't good at all. "Hey, Marcel is it?" I nod and look down.

"What do you want to do for the project?" She asks in her inhumanly sweet voice that sends shivers down my- no! No. Just stop. You're just going to end up embarrassing yourself.

"I don't c-care. Whatever you w-want I guess." I had a really good idea on what I wanted to do but I couldn't talk anymore than I did or I would have had an anxiety attack.

"Perfect! I have some great ideas. Here's my number and just send me your address. Bye Marcel." I waved bye and she walked over to her friends and I may or may not have stared at her backside (I did, it was very nice).

The rest of the classes were spent thinking about how much I'm going to fail with this whole science project incident. The bell rang and now everyone could go home. I drove back home and went into my room. I tried my hardest to man-up and texted Leigh my address.

"I live really close to you! I wonder how I didn't notice! I'll come over tomorrow and we can start xx"

I responded with "sounds great!" And took a shower. I stayed in there for a long time and I really wasn't doing anything other than thinking. My mum called me downstairs to eat and I quickly got dressed and went downstairs. I got another text from Leigh just saying great and goodnight so I didn't respond. I wonder if she has a boyfriend? Is he popular? Is it Derek? I hope it's not Derek.

"Honey, is everything ok? You seem a bit... lost tonight?"

"I'm fine. Just tried, that's all. Where's Kaitlynn?" Kaitlynn is my little sister and I love her more than my mother probably. As mean as it sounds. She's kind of my source of happiness. We don't have the same dads and she's about only five, my mom had a weird I-need-a-child-because-my-other-one-is-growing-up phase so she just got some sperm from a friend (it sounded better when I said it in my head). Kaitlynn doesn't act anything like her age and she's quite funny.

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