So some people are gay, they like guys. Maybe girls. Both? None. And that bothers you? Can I ask why?
They didn't choose to be how they are, it IS who they are. They where born into the world the same as me and you, so why must there preference in people separate them from the rest of the world?
Let's say society was the opposite to how it currently is.
The majority of the gay community overwrites the straight community. So you where the 'strange', group, needing help just because of who they are.
They might not be the same as you, but that's not important, no freedom until we're equal, that's important.
Until they are united by law, you will continue to discriminate them? Even when they are united, you will hurt them continually? Because of what?Who they married? Who they like? How they act? What they wear? How they speak? What they say?
Because, strip away everything, underneath it's all the same- love. And it's about time we all stand up.